Chapter 5

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Quick A/N: Sorry for not updating... I have had writers block for the longest time. Now.....BACK TO THE BOOK!! Also I changed
Yuki to Y/N....plz don't be mad at my decision!

(Y/n's POV)
Me and Ross are heading back to the offices when suddenly, Ross pulls over on the side of the road. "Ross what are we-" He cuts me off. "Y/n, I know I'm not the guy you see me as in my videos....I know I'm not the right guy for you yet, you still like me..why?" I look at Ross. In shock of his words, I grab his hand, look him straight in the eyes and say" Ross, I like you because of who you really are. Sure, your not the same guy as you are in your what? I like you for who you are, not what you pretend to be. Ross....I love you." "I love you too, y/n." Ross hugs me and I hug him back.

~Le Time Skip~

(Ross's POV)
We break from our hug and just stare at each other. I can't help but have the urge to kiss her again. She's so beautiful.' I think to myself. Then, before I know it, our lips were once again connected. I felt like I could do anything in that exact moment. As we pull apart for air, I mumble 'I love you, y/n' and our lips connect again.

~another time skip for importance~

I glance over at y/n as I drive her home. Adam had left earlier than us so she asked me to give her a ride. I soon pull into the driveway of Adam's place and she exits the car. "Well, I better get go-" "No! I mean, can you come inside with me? Everyone is most likely asleep and I don't wanna be here alone." I look at her for a second with confusion writer on my face but I get off the car anyways and walk inside with her. We head to her room. Y/n opens the door to a room with f/c walls and s/f/c carpeting. "Nice room." "Thanks. So, you can have a seat anywhere. I'm gonna get ready for bed." And with that, she disappeared into her closet.
(Y/n's POV)
I walk into the closet as Ross sits on the bed waiting for me. I put on a f/c sleeveless shirt and some black shorts. When I exit the closet I see Ross asleep on my bed. 'He looks really cut when he sleeps' I get in bed with Ross by my side and quickly drift of to sleep.

I'm in a forest. All alone, surrounded by the beauty of nature. It's quite pleasant if I do say so myself. I suddenly feel a hand on my shoulder. Out of shock, I turn around to see Ross standing there with me, his hands on my shoulders. "Ross, what are you doing here?" "I followed you. I didn't want anyone to come near you, so I followed you here." I quickly notice a knife in Ross's hand. "Ross, why do you have that?!" There was a small silence, then I notice Ross has a slight smirk painted on his beautiful features. "It's because I love you y/n. That why I did it." As I stand there confused, I quickly notice the change in scenery. I saw, my brother?! Dead?! I suddenly hear an emotionless laughter coming from my beloved Ross. "Ross, w-what did y-you *sniff* do?!" I say as a start sobbing. "I did it for you my love. Your mine and mine alone. No one else can have you. If anyone else even looks at you, I will take care of them and make sure they suffer." I start crying louder out of fear. And just when Ross was about to do anything else, I hear a faint voice say "wake up..."
{End of dream}

(Ross's POV)
"Y/n, come on wake up." Her eyes open widely as she gets out of bed. I see faint tears in her eyes as she backs away from me in fear. "Y/n, are you ok? Is something wro-" she cut me off with a hug and a small peck on the lips. I wipe away her tears. "It's okay, shh, don't worry my sweet, it was just a dream. Your in reality now, there's nothing to worry about. I'm right here." And with that, she glances up at me with a small smile painted on her lovely features. "I love you Ross." "I love you too, my love. Your mine, and mine alone."

A/n: Wow!! That was so fun to write!! Looks like Ross-Senpai is a yandere....I'm a tsundere but we can get into details later. Till next chapter, baii!!

P.s: leave a comment on which part in the book was your favorite so far, and how you think I can improve it. Maybe leave some suggestions while your at it! 😜 Thanks!

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