Chapter 8- um well thats awkward

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It's been a few days since I've been back home in Melbourne. Me and Connor have became closer and I think I'm starting to fall for him. He's nice he treats me well, but I can't make the same mistake like I did with Luke. Me and Connor are  gonna hang out today he told me that his Step brother was coming to town and I should meet him so I agreed. All I know about him is that he's 17 and his name is Lucas. I was still laying in bed when I got a text message from Connor
  Connor: hey wanna come over now??
  Me: hey yeah I'm gonna shower then be over ttyl.

After that I took a fast shower then put on my Black skater skirt with a white crop top with black combat boots. After that i got in my dads car and drove there.
  When I got there I heard a familiar voice. I walked in and my eyes just widened.
  "Luke?" I asked quietly
"Scarlet?" He asked shyly.
  "You guys know each other?" Connor asked.
  "Umm ah yea we dated but just broke up. It didn't work." I said while making eye contact with Luke.
  "Change of subject where's your step brother Con?" I asked
  "Well you're looking at him." Connor replied awkwardly
"Um well that's awkward."
    "I gotta go bye guys" I said even more awkwardly.
"Goodnight Connor"
"Goodnight scar"
  I took a quick peek and Luke looked horrified

Luke's POV.
  After seeing Scarlet here I realized I loved her and nothing will change that I don't care if she's Michaels sister or whatever, But I loved her and it broke my heart when they said "goodnight." Too each other that's our thing. Did she move on? I feel so heartbroken. I don't know what I will do without her.

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