Chapter 28- back to the beginning

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-2 month time hop-
Me and Luke have been having a great relationship no fights no arguments everything is perfect.
Except I'm moving back home in 2 weeks these last two weeks have to be amazing.
Luke was taking me out tonight and told me to dress however I wanted so I decided to wear a "sleeping with sirens" shirt and black jeans.
It was currently 6:30am and he should be here soon.

Just as I was in my thought I heard the door bell ring and I knew it was him

I went to answer the door and there he was the man of my dreams.
Funny thing was we were wearing the same thing!!
He took me by the arm and led me to his car.
"You look beautiful Scarlet." He said to me
"Thank you, you look Handsome Luke." I replied

We were in the car for about 20 minutes and then we arrived at this beautiful beach area it had a beautiful dinner set out with fairy lights around it. It was truly a fairy tale.

We ate dinner. And then something I never expected happened

"Scarlet I know we're young like your seventeen and I'm 18 but I love you so fucking much you make my heart skip a beat you make my stomach go crazy. I had a whole speech planned but I can't think of it now. So will you do me the honours and-"

"Scarlet wake up."
"Scarlet C'mon"

Then it hit me. It was all a dream.

"Im awake." I said to my dad
"C'mon you gotta get to the airport." My dad said

I got out of bed and got dressed. my dad drove me to the airport and I was waiting to board the plane until I ran into someone
"Shit oh my god I'm so sorry." I said
I looked up and seen a beautiful Blonde haired boy with blue eyes and he was identical to the boy in my dream
"It's okay." He said
"I'm scarlet."
"I'm Luke."


I was walking to board the plane to see my friend Michael in Sydney and then I ran into someone. She was gorgeous she had big eyes long black hair and she was tiny but so gorgeous.
"Shit oh my god I'm so sorry." She said
"It's okay." I replied
"Im scarlet." She said in her cute voice
"Im Luke."


Okay just to clear some confusion Scarlet was dreaming this all. And reality started when her dad said "Scarlet wake up."

I might write a sequel but I don't know comment and vote!!


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