Chapter 22- bye bye

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    - two weeks later -
     It was two weeks since I've talked to Luke. Me and Michael got back in touch and now I'm packing my things cause I'm going to Florida to go on a vacation with Michael.  But first I have a doctors appointment for my baby.
    - at doctors - 
    "Miss Clifford?" The nurse called out.

     I got on the table while she did an ultrasound. Turns out I'm a month and a half along :)

     Once I got off the nurse asked me to fill out some papers

     Name:Scarlet May Taylor Clifford
D.O.B: August 18th
Birth#: 288729Ss628
Baby's name boy- Charlie Lucas hemmings
Baby's name girl- Felicity Marie May Hemmings

Blah blah blah.

-at airport cause we left when I got home-
When me and Michael arrived at the airport i seen a familiar face. Luke.
"Luke why are you here.." I asked him
"Oh um ah me and um Stella are going to Florida." He admitted
" oh well um have fun." I said awkwardly.
   "Wait scarlet I'm sorry about what happened and I love you,  me and Stella aren't dating or anything I hope you know that." Luke said
  If he loved me he wouldn't of cheated on me right? I thought to myself
  " whatever Luke. I'll see you around yeah?" I said with my eyes a bit blurry
"Yeah.." He muttered

  -in Florida-
  Once we got off the plane ride we got a cab to our hotel. I was pretty jet legged still.
    We got to the hotel and it was beautiful  **picture above**
      I was walking down to the lobby and I bumped into someone.
"Shit I'm sorry... I'm kinda stupid" I said
  "It's okay." Said the mystery man
  I looked up and he was perfect not as perfect as Luke but he was still perfect.
   "I'm scarlet.."
   "I'm Christopher"
  "Text me someone 286-372-2886" said Christopher
   " will do. I gotta get going I'll see you later yeah?" I said
   "Yeah, see yeah later beautiful." He said
    Wow. This will be an adventure. Maybe I can get over Luke..

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