a warning

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these are the lost stories of a girl's tragic mind.

sometimes these entries will make no sense, the true meaning lost behind the wicked demise and gentle sorrows of a simple, seemingly meaningless sigh.

sometimes these entries will all make sense, the understanding behind it all clear like an ocean's surface but murky as you go deeper into the darker depths.

sometimes these entries will be long, longer than the stretch of time it takes for your first breath to end and your last breath to start.

sometimes these entries will be short, shorter than it takes the summer air to turn into the winter's frigid wind.

nonetheless, these entries are stories and all the stories are true. you may not understand them the way the she does, but if you manage to untangle the ivy and the thorns from the hard, metal gates of her treacherous maze, then perhaps you might be able to glimpse into her sorry eyes.

that is, if you, too, are a tragic mind.

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