foul creatures

269 26 0

to my darling,

many people

have creatures 

in their minds.

but, no, not me.

my creatures 

hide in the 

dark depths

of my heart.

these creatures are 

selfish, you see,

greedy and jealous.

they make me 

the way i am:

unlovable and hated.

they control my emotions

take charge of my actions.

if i love someone,

they pull at my strings 

and force me away.

if someone loves me,

they growl and glare

until they finally leave.

if all i want is love,

they laugh and mock

knowing that will never happen.

please understand,

my dear,

that i do love you

but there are

foul creatures 

in my heart

that are not

too willing 

to be loved.

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