sea glass

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before i came to you

i had been loved by someone else.

and even though i was a pretty face,

i was sharp around the edges.

it must have been difficult to care for

someone as treacherous as me

so they threw me out to sea

and leeft me to handle the

cruel waves by myself.

but you were there,

oh so gentle and kind.

you didn't care 

for my sharp edges or my pretty face,

but how i loved with all that i had,

even if that wasn't much.

you softened me down

with each crash of the waves

and the relaxing message of the sand.

you made me

smooth and reliable

a kinder, softer soul.

but then came a day that

someone lifted me up and pulled me away

from your watery, lovely embrace

because they saw a pretty face.

i haven't seen you since

and i can't help but feel lonely. 

i want people to see me the way you did.

not pretty, not sharp

but understanding.

i worry that every day

i'm away from you 

i get sharper 

and my soul

will no longer be

what you fell in love with.

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