Chapter 9

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Aiden and I sauntered over to the town in front of us. The streets were lined with small shops that seemed to have appealing clothes in the display windows.

"Kaliiii, I'm hungry." He groans like a little 5 year old. I shake my head and chuckle at his maturity level.

Down the road on the right was a small cafe that looked particularly popular. I pointed in it's direction and Aiden's face lit up like he won the lottery. Once again this boy makes me laugh till no end.

The cafe was cute and had a welcoming feel to it. The outside looked old and worn from the wind and rain. The exterior was painted a sky blue and flowers were lined up on the window sill.

Walking in with Aiden, slowly but surely following me from behind, I was greeted by a kind smile.

"Hello Miss. Can I help you?"

I was observing her appearance, while she was probably observing mine. The old lady looked around 75 years old. Her white hair and wrinkled face didn't make her any younger.

"Now, I haven't seen you around here before. Where'd you come from?"

Thinking of the quick excuse I came up with earlier, I confidently replied, "My car broke down a few miles back. We found this place to stay in for a few weeks before my parents could come help us out." She nods her head and goes into the kitchen.

I turned my attention away from her, grabbing a brochure of the small town know as Thadom. 'Where am I?' I repeatedly thought to myself. I've never heard of Thadom before and I was always pretty good at picking out places on a map since I've practically danced all around the world.

Walking toward the table where Aiden was at, I couldn't help but laugh at how he looked so anxious. It's probably because he has always been locked up, poor kid.

"Lets buy some food, please. I'm starving," Aiden asks me with a puppy dog face. I smirk and look over the menu.

I remember that I kept an extra stash of money in my bra for situations like this. A secret and helpful trick learned from my mother.

Pulling out my money, Aiden just stares at me and before I know it, he begins to laugh with his Colgate smile.

"What in the world?"

I just shrug my shoulders as the waitress comes over to get our orders. She looked around our age, 18 maybe a little older. She had long blonde hair and had a nice golden skin tone. I would rate her a good 7 out of 10; me being a 10 of course.

"How can I help you guys?" She asked mostly staring at Aiden with googly eyes. A part of me felt jealous, that he was all mine, but in reality he was just a friend that I barely knew.

"Can I get a coffee and a tall stack of pancakes?" I ask trying to sound nice and sweet, but all I get in return is an eye roll and an annoying stare.

I was about to swear in her face when Aiden erupted us saying that he would like the same thing. The girl flicked her hair over her shoulder and winked at Aiden before she walked back into the kitchen with our orders in hand.

"Is someone a bit jealous? I didn't know your type could even become jealous. Maybe Im starting to change your sassy self Miss Kali."

I tried to keep a straight face, but a smile creeped up on me. It was too hard not to small at the kid.

"I'm not jealous for your information. I was just considering that she could never get a guy with her stuck up attitude."

"Look who's talking."

I gasp and get up from my seat, taken aback from Aiden's comment. I knew it was to be received as a joke but it was offensive.

"Kali wait! I didn't mean it that way!"

I heard him yell from behind me as I jog out of the cafe. I noticed a bench right outside and causally sat down. Aiden bursts through the door looking left and right down the streets before he finally turns and sees me.

"Kali I didn't mean for it to be offensive. I know for a fact that in the inside you have a nice personality. You've just put up a wall that only allows the people you trust to break through. You're a good person Kali."

I was so touched by his kindness that my eyes began to water. I mean people tell me stuff like this all the time, but I knew that he actually meant it. Other times it's always been fake, but this was surreal.

"Thanks." I manage to get out without my voice cracking.

He stuck out his hand and I took it, getting off the white bench and heading back into the retro cafe.

I notice the blonde barbie was staring at us as we began to sit back down. I started to wonder how she's never seen me before. Knowing a teenage girl like her should be reading news magazines, then I'm really surprised she doesn't know THE Kali Young.

"So Miss, where will you be staying while you are here in Thadom?" The old lady from the front asks me breaking me from my train of thought.

In all honesty, I didn't know how to answer her. I've never been here before, nor have I heard of it. So I was in a predicament. My lie was catching up to me.

"Well, you see... I uh..."

"We were going to be staying in your inn next door. It has a very warm welcoming feel. I hope there are rooms available for us to sleep in?"

I was surprised that he even spoke! Sneaking a peak at him I could see his award winning smirk plastered across his face. What a cocky boy.

"Oh. My husband and I own the inn and this cafe here. Seeing that we barely get any visitors, I would love for your stay to be at no charge what so ever."

"Wow. You are so kind! Thank you very much." I say with as much thanks as I could offer. I was actually taken aback from my behavior right now. I've never once said thank you, let alone please, to anyone before.

Blonde Barbie emerges from the kitchen carrying a tray of mouth watering pancakes.

"Excuse me." She says reaching over Aiden to put his pancakes in front of him. She leans a little too into Aiden so that her boobs rub across his arm. He was unaffected by the gesture making me snort at her slutty attempt for him to acknowledge her.

She just slides my pancakes down the table almost causing them to fall onto the floor. Bi**h.

"I want to welcome you both to Thadom. I hope your stay is fun and exciting." I swear I saw her eyes light up when she said exciting. If she keeps this up, she won't have any eyes to glisten with.

She continues, " Im Serena Brooks. My grandparents own this place so I come to help out." She made it sound like she was helping a charity case, as if.

"My names Aiden, and this is Kali. Thank you for your kindness toward us as we are coming into your town as strangers." Aiden says slyly without breaking his professional type of speech.

"Well I best be going now. See you around!" Serena leaves giving one last look at Aiden before entering the kitchen.

I have a feeling that she is going to be around quite a lot.

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