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I woke up to my blaring alarm clock going off at full force trying to let me and everybody else know it was time to get up. I absolutely hated mornings; from the getting up part to the going back to bed part. I just wish I could live my life in my bed with no interruption. I slowly throw the covers back off of me and throw my legs out on the side of my bed. Just as I am doing so I mentally groan from leaving the comfort of my bed and its warmness. I make my way to the bathroom once I am out of bed and go to take a quick shower since I am pressed for time.

By the time I get out of the shower I have only thirty minutes to get ready before I have to be into work. I decide to wear a simple black button down chiffon blouse with a red knee length pencil skirt. I put my hair in a tight ponytail which was long since my hair went to my shoulders. I put on my makeup and threw on my black stilettos. I grabbed my purse and phone and headed out. When I looked at the time I had ten minutes so I stopped by Starbucks and got my boss a large cup of coffee and myself vanilla crème Frappuccino since I don't like coffee, never liked the taste. I also got him his burrito and I got myself a cream cheese bagel since I was still trying to watch my weight. I mean I wasn't huge but there was definitely some things could be changed. I just really hated parts of my body and the fact that I just feel like I am just walking fat I constantly feel insecure about myself. Growing up I was always insecure and the more I got older the worse it got. I have never felt comfortable in my own body no matter how many people tell me I am beautiful, it just isn't the same if you don't believe it yourself.

When I finally arrived to work I instantly put down my things at my desk and walked into my boss's office. I really don't like going into his office since he only seems to talk about what could be between me and him. Frankly he just isn't my type. He was way too cocky and that was a complete turn off. When I walked in he was on the phone so I thought I could get in and get out. Just as I was leaving he called my name. Shit!

"Yes, Mr. Steele," I say as nice as I can with a fake smile.

"Thanks for the coffee as always," He says smiling like he thought he was the man of the world. "Anytime Mr. Steele."

"So I have tickets to this play tomorrow night and I was thinking you should go with me." Every damn day I come into this office he has some special event he wants to take me to and every time I say no. "To be honest Mr. Steele I feel we should keep this professional between us. If we cross the lines then we will mess up our work relationship." Deep down I am screaming hell no for the millionth time since I started working here and hope lets this shit go. "I understand but I do hope one day you realize the mistake you are making." He stands up and pulls out five folders and hands them to me, "On another note I need you to draw up and make copies for my new business partner."

"And when do you need this?"

"By three. He will be here by then and I want everything to be ready and on point." I nod and head back to my desk to get started. The one thing about Lucas was he was a very particular guy. Anything he ever di had to be on point or else he would freak. That was one thing I did admire about him even though he was a complete ass.

I swear I hate doing contracts because everything had to be worded just the right way or no one was happy and I was screwed. At exactly three I completed everything and headed back to his office. Usually I just walk into the office when I need to and this time I did the same thing.

"Mr. Steele I have completed the contracts you needed," I say walking in without looking around.

"Good I thought I was going to have to come and get you, you know I like promptness."

"Yes I do and that is why I worked my ass off to get this to you on time." Just as he took the folders away from me someone called me.

"Samaria?" I turned around and there he was. I haven't seen him since high school and here was standing right in front of me. "Lincoln?"

"The one and only," he says smiling like he always did to make people gravitate to him. "What are you doing here?"

"I am Lucas's new business partner we are merging our companies together."

"I thought I would never see you again after high school."

"Well, sweetheart we meet again."

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