Chapter Twelve

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"Samaria you have a visitor!" Raquel screamed. I was trying to throw on my clothes so I could get to work. "What visitor?" I looked around and was met with Lincoln in a grey tight fitting suit with food in his hands. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to bring you breakfast and to take you to work."

"We could've did something at the office."

"I know but I wanted to do this." He gave me the bag of food which was a blueberry muffin and poppy seed bagel. "Well Raquel is going to have to come with us."

"Um Jordan is going to take me to work so you two have fun." She winked then walked back upstairs. I wanted to say no but it looked like I was out voted. I grabbed my things and then followed him to his car.

"So you and Raquel are close now?"

"Getting there."

"That's ironic since when you first met her you were trying to get rid of her."

"She's not that bad when you get to know her." I ate some of my muffin as he continued to drive. "Just be careful."

"Of who? Raquel?"

"Yea you never know she might be using you or playing you." I laughed.

"No offense but I think you are the last person to be telling me to watch what kind of friends to be looking out for. I mean you weren't the best kind of friend." He got quiet.

"I know that Samaria and that's why I am trying to make sure you don't make the same mistake twice."

"Not that it's any of your business but Raquel isn't like that. She's been through a lot and right now she just needs a friend and honestly I could use the friendship too."

"What about your family?"

"What about them?"

"What's going on with them?"

"It's complicated."

"I got time. Tell me."

"Well my sister has gotten it in here head that she doesn't need to go to college and you know maybe she doesn't but I just feel like she should. I think she needs to have back up plan but apparently I am just being too hard. She thinks I'm trying to make her like me."

"Are you?"

"What the hell does that mean?"

"Are you thinking about her or yourself?"

"How is me wanting my little sister to go to college thinking about me? If anything I'm thinking too much about her."


"What about your family mister nosey?"

"My family is more messed up then yours any day. I haven't really been around them since Caine died." Caine was his older brother who was killed in a drive by shooting because he was hanging around the wrong group of people. He took it hard. Caine was his role model. Anything he did, he did to impress him. I didn't think he would make it after his death but somehow he managed to pick up the pieces.

"And Liam has landed himself another four years on top of the fifteen he already had."

"Wait Liam is in jail?"

"Yea got busted for selling drugs. Apparently they had been after him for a long time and one bad sell and they had him. He refused to give up who he worked for so threw the book at his stupid ass."

"Why the other four years?"

"Fighting and he hit an officer."


"Yea so I think your family is far better than mine any day."

"Have you went to visit him?"

"Went once and he told me he wanted nothing to do with me. He told me he blamed me for leaving when I graduated. He said if I would've stayed I could've saved Caine but honestly I don't think I could've saved either of them. Caine was hell bent on doing what he wanted and Liam was hell bent on following anybody that told him they could make him money." Here I thought my family was fucked up and his was falling apart at the seams. I don't think I could deal with that if it happened to me. True my family could drive me crazy but they never took it that far. I knew he was in a hurry to get away when we graduated but I didn't know it had gotten that bad. We would tell each other our family problems but they were never like this.

We finally got to work and I was beyond happy about that. I grabbed my files and headed to Lucas's office. When I entered he was on the phone yelling at someone. I sat down in a chair and waited for him to finish. Whoever he was yelling at was getting it. His entire face was red and he looked like he wanted to punch something.

"Somebody isn't having a good day."

"They won't be if they keep fucking with me." He sat down at his desk and took a breath. "What can I do for you?"

"I finished up what you asked of me and set your appointment for Friday." I put the files on his desk. He looked through them and nodded. I was about to leave when he stopped me. "I was wondering if you wanted to accompany me to the movies."

"Like a date?"

"No just as friends. I don't have many friends and so I thought this would be a good way to you know make some. I completely understand if you don't feel comfortable about it."

"No, I would love to as long as it's not a date. I mean I don't really have that many friends either so this will definitely be a new thing for both of us." He smiled. "Glad to hear it."

I walked out of his office to be met by Raquel. She was leaning on my desk like she had nothing to do. "So what happened in there?"

"I dropped off some files, you know doing my job. I could've swore you had one too."

"I do but you know I like being nosey. How was your car ride this morning?"

"You never miss a beat do you?"

"Nope. Now what happened?"

"Nothing we talked that's it." I sat down at my desk. "Well that's boring."

"What did you think we were going to make out or something?"

"It's better than talking. But seriously tell me what happened in there?"

"He asked me to the movies with him as friends."

"I knew he had a thing for you!"

"Again we are just friends."

"Cut the bullshit we both know he wants more." I gave her a look to tell her to stop. "But honestly I don't think Lincoln is the kind to share, you might want to tell him."

"We are not together and I'm not telling him anything. Lucas and I are just friends and Lincoln and I are taking things slow."

She finally left and let me get back to work. The entire time I kept thinking about what she said. Was Lucas into me? I know he kept trying to get with me before but that was him just being a jerk. I didn't know what to think but until I figured it out I was just going to see what happened.

Lincoln ended up taking us back home and Raquel had to tag along. She kept talking the entire time. I swear this girl needed to shut up. When we got home she got out and I sighed. "The girl can talk."

"I live with her trust me I know."

"I need to ask you something?"

"What is it?"

"I was thinking we could do something this Saturday."

"Another date?"

"Yea what you say?"

"Okay I'm in."

"Good. He leaned over and pecked me lips and I got out. When I finally made it in the house I slid to the floor. I was going to be busy this weekend.

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