Chapter Thirteen

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I woke up and looked at the clock it was only seven in the morning. I stretched and remembered I didn't have to go into work today. I sighed in relief and turned back over to go back to sleep.

When I woke back up it was twelve. I debated whether I should get out of bed or not and decided that I was kind of hungry. I slowly made my way downstairs expecting to see Raquel or Jordan but I didn't. I found a note saying they had went to the local carnival. I went to the kitchen and took out some popcorn. I pooped it then poured caramel over it. I went into the living to watch TV since I didn't have to get ready to meet Lucas until five.

I had almost fallen back to sleep when someone knocked on the door. I really didn't want to be bothered. I got up to see who it was and of course it was my mother. "Mom what are you doing here?" she pushed by me and walked to the couch.

"I came to see about my children is that a crime?"

"It is when you don't call first." I sat down beside her trying to get myself together for whatever reason she came by for. "Didn't know I had to call to see my own children."

"Mom I'm just saying you can't just be dropping by whenever you want."

"Samaria last time I checked I pushed you children out me which means I can drop by wherever the hell I want. Now tell me what's going on with your brother."

"I'm not really talking to Jordan right now."

"And why not?"

"We aren't seeing eye to eye on some things. Right now we are just giving each other space and I'm fine with that."

"Well I'm not. You two need to stop acting like children and make up."

"No offense mom but this really isn't your say so. This isn't like when we were kids and you snapped your fingers and we were back being all happy with each other."

"Look fine if you two want to fight then fight, but I want to know how he is holding up since being back. I know he went through a lot over that and I want to know if he seems lost or off."

"He doesn't really talk about what happened over."

"That's not good, he needs to talk to someone about it or else it will just eat him up. You know how your brother gets. If he doesn't talk to someone he will eventually lash out at someone else."

"Mom Jordan is a grown man and if he doesn't want to talk about what happened over there then he doesn't have to. Frankly I rather not here about it. It was bad enough he went over there and will be going back."

"I just think you should talk to him and make sure he is okay. No matter your differences he is still your little brother."

"Fine mom I will talk to him."

"That's all I ask. Now have you thought about dating anytime soon or are you going to be forever alone?" here we go. "We are done talking mom."

"I'm serious Samaria. You can't be locked up in this house forever. You have to leave it and find someone, they not gonna just find you."

"Before this conversation goes any further, I have been dating someone thank you very much." She leaped off the couch and came closer to me. "Who? What's his name?"

"It's Lincoln." Her smiled widened. "I knew you two would end up together. You two used to hang around each other all the time."

"Um no we didn't. And it's nothing serious yet so calm down."

"So do you like him or what? Tell me what's going."

"Mom I'm taking things slow with him. I don't want to rush into things before I know what it is."

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