Chapter Fifteen

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I rolled over with my eyes closed on the soft sheets loving the way they feel under my skin. I hadn't felt anything this good in forever. The more I investigated the softer the sheets became, it wasn't until I ran my hands on the headboard that I realized I was not in my room. I popped my eyes open and looked around the room. This was definitely not my house. The more I looked it slowly came to me that I had slept over at Lincoln's last night. I don't know what made me agree to that. I picked up my phone and I had almost hundred missed calls from Jordan. I knew he wondered why I hadn't come home and when I did get home I was going to have to explain to him everything or he would kill Lincoln.

The bathroom door opened and Lincoln walked out wearing just a towel. I don't remember him looking this good in high school. "You finally woke up, I see."

"Yea, I had to figure out where I was." He walked further into the room with my eyes on him the entire time. He went to his dresser and pulled out a t-shirt slipping it on. I guess he felt me staring and turned to me, "You can use the bathroom now. You can take a shower and while you're doing that I will wash your clothes and leave you a t-shirt on the bed until they are done."

"You don't have to do that, I should be leaving anyway."

"So you just gonna sleep with me and then leave?" I laughed.

"I need to get home Lincoln."

"How about this, you go take a shower and then we take one step at a time?" I stared at him and then sighed. "Fine." I got out of the comfortable bed and made my way to bathroom. I closed the door and caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. My make-up was smeared from the night and my hair was all crazy. I wanted to be one of those girls that was confident about how I looked but there would always be that part of me that screamed insults. I could tell myself I was beautiful a thousand times but at soon as my other half contradicted that, I would crumble. I had gotten used to how I looked but I still had reservations about what the outside world thought of me.

I stepped away and found a face towel and turned on the shower. I stripped myself free of my worn clothes and got under the semi hot water. I needed to wash away the negative thoughts that were seeping in. Eventually tears begin to run down my face as I remembered every horrible thing I have endured.

When the water begin to feel more cold then hot I turned it off and got out. I noticed my clothes weren't on the floor anymore which meant Lincoln had come and gotten them while I was showering. I ignored the feeling I was feeling and dried off. I wrapped the towel around my body and went back into the room. I found a t-shirt and boxers waiting for me. I put on the clothes and surprisingly the shirt fit like mini dress. I pulled my hair back since it was still damp and made my way to find Lincoln.

I found once again at the stove cooking. "You must really like cooking." He looked up and smiled. "Nah just trying to impress this girl I like."

"Whoever this girl, she must be really special." He looked at me for a minute then said, "Yea, she is." I blushed a little looking down and then back up at him. "What you cooking?"

"French toast."

"My favorite."

"I know." I sat at the island that overlooked the stove and he brought me a plate. He took the fork and put some to my mouth. I opened it and he fed me some. The entire time he watched me like a hawk. "This amazing."

"Glad you like it." He went and made him some and joined me. We ate in silence, each of us with something heavy on our mind.

"So what you got planned today," he asked finally breaking the silence.

"I have Sunday dinner at my parents' house."

"Sounds like fun," he said making a face. I laughed. "Yea, tons."

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