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It was coming up for 10pm, and I was slumped on one of Brian's couches awaiting for him to return still. James was fast asleep, resting his cheek on my chest. He was having a hard time settling not being in his usual crib, so it looked like he would be staying by my side tonight.

I was beginning to wonder what was taking him so long, and I stopped every part of me that wanted to text him and see what was going on. We were about to start afresh with our relationship, the last thing that I wanted to make him think was that I didn't trust him already.

My eyes were starting to get heavy, and I tried so hard to keep them open, but there was no chance that I would be awake within the next five minutes. Scooping James up carefully, I decided to retreat us both up into Brian's bedroom. Nothing had really changed since the last time I had been there, everything was still in the same place. Even a few of the things that I had suggested him to by to spruce the place up a little.

Pulling back the blanket, I laid James down in the middle of the bed, giving Brian enough room if he were to actually return at some point tonight. Something of which I didn't want to think about. He was already with her at this very moment, the thought of that alone was already driving me crazy.

I was tying my hair up into a loose bun, when I heard a car making it's way down the street. It wasn't until I noticed the window light up slightly that the car was pulling into the drive way. Pulling back the curtains slightly, I was met with Brian climbing out of his jeep. I smiled to myself, knowing how pleased he would have been to track it down. Not that we didn't know that she would have it in the first place.

"You find it alright, then?" I smiled towards him as he made his way through the front door.

"I am so glad to be home." He let out a tired chuckle as he shook his head as he hung his jacket up on the coat hook. I made my way from the middle of the stairs where I was standing, to the bottom, now standing before him.

"Come to bed." I said, placing my arms around his neck, pushing his hair slightly out of his face. I could tell by his quietness and look that he was just as exhausted as I was.

"Where's J?" He asked.

"He's in bed too." I smiled up at him, before turning around and making my way slowly and quietly up the stairs, him following smoothly behind.

"Oh so that's what we're dealing with, huh?" He laughed as we both stood before the bed, looking down at James who was now sprawled out sideways on the bed, leaving little to no room for either Brian or myself to fit on each end.

"I guess I'm going to have to wait an extra day for those cuddles." I let out a pretend sigh, noticing Brian look over at me. He wouldn't be one to admit to wanting such affection, but I could tell in the way he looked at me that he was a little disappointed. But we both knew that there was nothing we could do about it tonight. James and I coming here wasn't a planned thing, so he didn't have his own place to sleep tonight. But I know that would be the first thing that we would be getting sorted out tomorrow, because I don't know about Brian, but I had planned on some huge amount of making up for lost time in our relationship.

The next morning came soon enough, and we found ourselves sat around the table eating the breakfast that I had prepared whilst Brian was in the shower.

"I could get used to this." He announced as he pulled his plate closer towards him.

"You shouldn't. I'm not that organized." I smiled smugly towards him. "So, how'd last night go?" I asked, thinking it was a better moment than any to finally ask.

"Brutally." He replied, taking a sip from his glass of orange juice. "We turn up and obviously enough my car was parked outside of her house."

"And the bike?" I asked, pretty much butting in to his conversation. He just looked at me, obviously in that moment remembering how impacient I was when listening to a story. I would always start asking questions, or try to guess the outcome myself and finish their sentence. He had never complained about it being annoying, but it was definitely something that he was aware of me doing, which made my habit become that of an annoying one to me.

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