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voices through these walls

Connor had heard the old ladies from above talking about a new resident who would be moving into the apartment next to his, presumably a young, Australian boy. Connor never really believed that kind of gossip, the apartment next to him had been empty for the 2 years that Connor had lived there, and every month the old ladies would be talking about someone new moving in. But no one ever came. 

Therefore, Connor was pleasantly surprised when a white movers truck pulled up in front of his apartment block, followed by the car of the landlord. A few movers got out of the truck and opened the container. In the meantime, the landlord got out of his car as well as a boy in a long blue coat, Connor's new neighbor. 

Connor leaned closer to the window to be able to study the newcomer better, he was curious to see who was moving in next to him. He had brown, curly hair, porcelain skin and eyes that made the sky seem grey in comparison. 

''Holy Fuck' Connor muttered as he admired his new neighbor. He seemed young too, around Connor's age, which was also a nice change for him. The landlord handed the gorgeous boy the key to his apartment and together they took the elevator to the 2nd floor. As soon as they got out, Connor could hear them talking.

'So this is your apartment, 12B' the landlord said.

'Ah, nice, thank you' said a low and raspy voice wth an Australian accent. The movers made sure all of the Australian boy's furniture got into his apartment and after that they left. The building wasn't really insulated the best, but well the rent wasn't that high so nobody complained. Or well, only to each other of course when you and your neighbor didn't share the same music taste.

But anyway, Connor could hear the Australian boy moving his stuff around in the apartment and unpacking his boxes. After a while he stopped and it didn't take long before Connor heard a knock on his door. Connor jumped up and walked to the door, he quickly checked himself in the mirror next to his coat rack, pulled a hand through his hair and then he opened the door. He met eyes with the most enchanting blue ones he had ever seen and was quite caught off guard by the nervous feeling that crept up on him.

'Hi' Connor said, trying to sound confident. He could feel his cheeks blushing.

'Hi, I just moved in next door today, so I thought I'd introduce myself to my neighbor.' There was the Australian accent again, it made Connor's mind drip flowers and weak in the knees. He was a sucker for boys with an accent. He smiled at the boy

'Oh yeah, of course, I'm Connor' he stretched his hand out to the boy who shook it politely.

 'Troye' he introduced himself 'with an –e' he added, smiling timidly. 

'Welcome to the neighborhood Troye with an -e' Connor said happily. Troye shifted his weight to his other leg,

'Hey uhm, we seem to be the only ones of our generation here so, if there is anything I need to know I'd rather hear it from you now.' he smiled, blushing a little. He was still confident though, he wasn't afraid to show that he also wasn't the best at meeting new people, but he still did it with confidence and Connor appreciated that. Connor scratched his head,

'uhm, yeah, the building isn't really insulated the best, and the ladies from above don't really appreciate our generation's music.. At least.. so I heard..' Connor said as he winked, immediately regretting his wink, he thought it was stupid. Troye, however, laughed

'oh I'm sure you did' he teased.

' And uhm the couple beneath us fights a lot so earbuds, earplugs and headphones are crucial.' Connor said, trying his best to come up with all the things Troye needed to know. He enjoyed talking to him. Troye laughed, then his phone rang. The expression on his face changed, his mouth formed a line.

'I gotta take this' he said, trying to sound humble but his voice was much lower than it had been. He then quickly walked to his own aparmtnet, leaving Connor intrigued and impressed, kind of startled.

That was such a drastic change of attitude in a matter of 0.4 seconds, Connor had never witnessed anyone like that. He found it interesting, mysterious, he had always had a thing for mysteries, and for boys with accents. He wanted to know more about this boy, he had so many questions after just a 5-minute conversation, he was curious. Why was this boy even here? Where did he come from? Who was he?

Connor saw Troye every morning when picking up the newspaper, they smiled at each other and nodded as a hello. But nothing more. The nod had some sort of comfortability to it.

However, Connor was scared to talk to the boy, afraid he would fuck up, say something stupid. But still he felt like he was Troye's friend, or at least acquaintance.

Whenever Connor would have a bad day, he would calm himself down and remind himself of the fact that Troye was still smiling and nodding. It felt as a safe place to land, something that made him think of home whenever he would go somewhere else. Something to think of when he felt stressed, upset or happy. It would make him feel at ease.

Troye sang a lot too, Connor could hear it through their shared wall, he had painted his side orange a few months ago. He enjoyed Troye singing, he had a beautiful voice. He sang lots of songs Connor really liked, he would often google the lyrics and download the song the boy next door had been singing, or he already knew the song and softly hummed along. He wondered if Troye knew he had a good voice, Connor figured he did, considering he sang all day, every day, and it never bothered Connor. It didn't bother anybody, nobody complained.

'What's your new neighbor like?' Lilly had asked him.

'He sings a lot,' Connor responded,

'oh..' Lilly said with a frown on her face as it wouldn't be something she would enjoy, to have your neighbor singing all day.

'it's beautiful' Connor added, not being able to suppress his smile. To which Lilly squinted her eyes and smirked,

'Does Condabon have a little crush on the singing boy next door?' she asked rhetorically, which made Connor blush, he didn't need to confirm it.

Sometimes, Connor googled the lyrics and couldn't find the song, he then assumed Troye wrote it himself. Leaving Connor even more amazed with the boy.

But then, one day, the singing stopped. His voice didn't fill Connor with joy every morning because it wasn't there anymore. Connor didn't have a melody to hum along to when he was reading a book. When they would pass each other in the morning, Troye didn't smile anymore. His eyes seemed lifeless and empty, there was no emotion coming from the once so vibrant boy that had unknowingly brought Connor so much joy. 


So guess who's writing another Tronnor fanfic... Again...
This is my first time writing from third person POV so I'm sorry if it's confusing at times.
Anyway, I'm really excited to start this story and hopefully you'll enjoy it.

Also, please vote and comment.. I'LL PAY YOU.. maybe.

xo -J

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