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Connor was cutting an avocado to put on his toasted bread when he heard it for the first time. It was a normal Tuesday evening in October. He stopped cutting the avocado to listen. The soft sound of his neighbor's sniffling sounded through the wall. Connor walked towards it and leaned his ear against it, only to hear nothing but the sound of Troye's heartbreaking cries. Connor's heart sank to his stomach as he felt for the younger boy. 

He didn't know what was going on, or why his friend.. acquaintance was sad, but he cared about him, so he tried to help, in whatever way he thought was appropriate.

 'Whatever it is, it will be alright' Connor whispered. He knew Troye wouldn't be able to hear it. But yet, that still was enough for him. Connor tried to send him positive vibes and thoughts with his brain, how stupid it may sound, he thought he could take away the pain.

The next night was no different, Troye was crying loud and clear. Connor couldn't shake the thought of the beautiful boy next door leaning against their shared wall with puffy eyes, exhausted from the tears streaming down his porcelain cheeks. The colorless water from the ocean-colored eyes. It made his own sky turn grey.

The next night went a bit different, Connor had heard someone entering Troye's apartment. Soft voices turned into sharp voices while Connor was trying to watch a documentary. It soon turned into a heated argument. 

'I moved all the way here for you, and you just decide to not want me anymore? Just like that?' Troye's voice shot through the wall like a bullet, Connor could feel it ache, bleed. Whatever this person did, it suddenly must have been awful in order for Troye to get this sad, and angry.

'Look Troye I'm sorry,' an unknown voice sounded, a male voice. 

'No you're not, Stop fucking lying!' Troye shouted. It fell silent and Connor shivered from the tones, he wanted to grab his headphones and zone-out, he could feel the weight of the argument pressing on his shoulders. 

'I've had enough of this, just go..'


'Go!' Troye shouted and it felt like a knife thrown through the room slashing every form of positive vibes into 3000 pieces. The hairs on the back of Connor's neck stood up. Troye sounded so.. dark and demanding, another side he had never seen before, and he hoped to never make Troye that angry. It was aching Connor just to listen to this conversation. He then heard a slam of the door.

Connor quickly walked towards his own door to peep thorugh the keyhole to see who this malicious person was that has made his neighbor stop singing. But he couldn't catch more than a glimpse of a tall male figure. 

After a while of listening to Oh Wonder on repeat with headphones on, Connor still hadn't been able to let go of the conversation he had overheard. He felt guilty too, for eavesdropping, but on the other side, the whole building probably heard it. 

It felt wrong to do nothing, Connor worked up the courage to take his headphones off and listen, and again, he heard the Australian boy cry, heartbreaking sniffles filled Connor's apartment. Connor walked to his orange wall and hesitantly lifted his fist. He knocked softly on the wall.

 The sniffles stopped for a moment. 

'It will be okay, I promise' Connor said softly, and this time the younger boy actually heard it. 

'I really don't know' he sniffled. 

'Just trust me on this one' Connor replied with a supportive smile, even though the other boy was not able to see it. 


this is sooo shortt forgive me don't kill me ok. I have a real job now so pls give me a break. give me a kitkat. 

xo -J


he's not our lil secret anymore guys :( have you seen the hashtag #dearnewtroyefans on twitter btw, it's hilarious and currently giving me life :'D

Voices Through These Walls. - Tronnor Where stories live. Discover now