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Connor had finally finished his last paper, when he realized his printer had run out of ink. He looked at the time, 2 am, the stores were probably closed. Shit. His papers were due in like literally 6 hours. He sighed as he tried to gather his thoughts, maybe the blue-eyed boy next door had a printer? Everyone owns a printer, so why wouldn't Troye?.. Connor didn't even think twice before he went over to the door next to his and knocked on it. When nobody answered, he knocked a little harder. Still, no response. Of course, he's asleep.

Connor turned to the side to walk into his apartment again, but then he heard the shriek of a door. 

'Connor? What the fuck' He heard a raspy australian voice. Connor turned around to Troye standing in his doorway, shirtless, in hello kitty pajama pants. 

'Good evening to you too' Connor said with a smirk. How long had he been awake? Since 7 this morning? He couldn't even calculate anymore but he knew it was more than 17 hours which was said to have the same effect on you as drinking 2 glasses of wine. 

'Evening? It's fucking morning?' Troye groaned, obviously not pleased. 

'You're not a morning person then, are you?' Connor remarked, he knew it was cocky and cheesy but he couldn't help it. He just stood there smirking, gazing at the boy in front of him who too, noticed Connor's sleep deprivation, but he was too disturbed by the fact this boy had woken him up from his much needed sleep to even say something caring. 

'My printer stopped working, and my papers are due today' Connor explained. Troye rolled his eyes, 

'That's your problem not mine' Troye said while crossing his arms. 

'Yeah, but you could help me out..?' Connor tried, not knowing how to smoothly ask if he could use this angry boy's printer. 

'I don't have a printer' he said firmly, he then tried to close the door. 

'But then what's that?' Connor said, putting his foot between the door and the wall,  pointing at something behind Troye. Troye turned around and looked at the direction Connor was pointing at, he saw his white cabinet where his Canon Inkjet all-in-one printer was placed. Troye looked heavenwards and sighed. 

'Okay. I do have a printer but you woke me up from my sleep so, no, you can't use it.' 

Connor sighed, he hated to do what he was about to do but he just didn't see any other way out, Troye was his last hope. 

'Please Troye, you're my only hope' he said, looking at Troye begging. Troye sighed, 

'should have thought of that before you came and disturbed me in my most peaceful moment of the day' he stated, his mouth a straight line. 

'Please Troye, please I beg you! These grades are really important' Connor tried, pulling his best puppy eyes. And nobody had ever been able to resist those. Troye kind of felt his legs weakening a little when he saw the desperateness in Connor's eyes but he still held on to his former statements. 

'Yeah so important that you finish them at 2 am and forgot to check your ink status beforehand?' he snorted sarcastically. The fact that the boy hadn't closed the door on him yet gave Connor some hope, because someone who was firm and indeed not willing to do someone else a favor, had probably already smashed the door in Connor's face. But Troye hadn't, so Connor decided to take it a step further; he got down on one knee and placed his hands together and looked at Troye as begging and hopeless as he could. 

'Please Troye, in return for my lying to Jacob today?' He asked. And that seemed to do something to Troye, his eyelids drooped and the muscles in his face relaxed. There was nothing left of the attitude he had 0.3 seconds before. 

Then, the door next to troye's opened. Nancy, Troye's other neighbor stood in the doorway in a pink robe. Her dark hair all messed up. 'What the hell is going on here' she said while rubbing her eyes. Connor and Troye just stared at her, startled by her sudden appearance. 

'D-did we wake you?' Troye uttered, he realized how stupid that had sounded after he'd already said it. 

 'What are you? Stupid? I'm pretty sure you woke the whole 2nd floor' Nancy exclaimed and she looked at us. She wasn't the most gentle person you could ever meet, bus she was honest. Her eyes narrowed a little bit as she seemed to process what she saw. 

'Wait..' she uttered as her eyes darted between Connor and Troye, taking in what she was seeing.  'a-are you.. like.. are you..' she paused, pointing at Connor. Connor frowned as he realized he was still on one knee, but before he could process what that could imply, Nancy already screamed in excitement. 

'omg.. you were proposing weren't you omg!' waving her hands in the air. Connor's eyes widened and he stood up as quickly as he could, his face flushing red in a matter of 0.2 seconds. 

'What, no!' An also startled Troye exclaimed. 'He doesn't even have a ring?' he said with a frown on his face. 

'Nor a relationship' Connor added hastily, he felt his hands getting sweaty. And with that Nancy stopped screaming, she sighed, her shoulders hanging low. 

'Ow, okay, then.. just keep it down a bit okay?' she said, waving her hand in the air as she walked back into her apartment, not even caring anymore what was actually going on. After she closed the door Connor and Troye looked at each other confusedly. 

'Well that was..'


 'yeah, so can I use your printer now?'

'alright then'


I feel like the worst updater eveerrr omg, sorry sorry sorrryryryyry, also troye turned 21?! he's like what? 5? 5 and a half maybe? smol bean is growing up so fast :'( 

anyway, I've been writing lately, just not this story but a different one, ofc a tronnor fic as well, but I haven't published even a single chapter yet. I want to write the whole thing before I publish I think, or at least like half. I'm so excited about that one omg, but this story will definitely not be forgotten.. sometimes.. like today :'D (no jk I really do put effort in this one as well!)

xo -J

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