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Connor was on his way back to his apartment when he passed the mall, he remembered he had promised a certain boy with fierce blue eyes he would stop by, and Connor wasn't one to break promises. Not even when he had 3 papers due tomorrow and he had only finished one.

 He entered the cute little coffee shop that was placed in the corner of the mall. It was never crowded, but never empty as well. It was a perfect place to relax and just come to your senses but also to do work. 

After he greeted the female barista at the counter and ordered his cappuccino, Connor sat down on a pink chair at a light-brown wooden table and opened his laptop to start working on his analysis of some ancient French poetry.

'You speak French ?' 

Connor looked up surprised at those words sounding in a very familiar voice. He met eyes with Troye's glimmering ones, Connor's cappucinno in his hands. He placed it down in front of Connor.

'No I don't' Connor replied, sighing while looking at his screen. 'Unfortunately I don't..' He added. Troye's brows knitted as he scratched his neck with his index finger. 

'Then what is that on your screen?' He asked, a bit confused. 

'Just some college stuff, but it doesn't matter anymore because you're here now to distract me from it.' Connor stated while he closed his laptop. Troye smiled as he sat down across from Connor, 

'I wouldn't have it any other way' he affirmed with a smirk, and right after that, his eyes widened as his heart seemed to skip a beat. His whole body tensed as he stared past Connor, aiming his gaze at the door while turning as white as a sheet. All the blood drained from his face as if he'd seen a ghost. 

Connor turned around skeptically. He noticed two boys had come in, their hands intertwined. Connor turned back to Troye, looking at him quizzically but the boy had frozen completely. The taller one of the boys walked up to the barista and asked her something, it wasn't loud enough so Connor could hear it but he assumed he was asking about Troye because the barista pointed in his direction. 

Connor looked at Troye as the boy with the dark hair walked up to hm, his partner staying behind. Troye just gazed at the table. "who is that" Connor mouthed, Troye jut lightly shook his head. 

'hi, uhm Troye' the guy said. Troye looked up, and suddenly his whole facial expression had changed. He looked, cold, daunting almost. His eyes pierced through the other boy's soul as his mouth formed a line. 

'Jacob' he said monotone. As if the name meant nothing, as if he meant nothing. The guy, whose name was Jacob, apparently, wasn't afraid of this side of Troye, as if he had dealt with it many times. Connor had gotten quite the idea of who this person was. 

'so, I figured I should give you your spare key back, since I won't need it anymore' he said while stretching out his hand, a key to the apartment block in it. Troye didn't make an effort to take it, so Jacob dropped the key on our table. 

'Who is that?' Troye asked, turning his head to the person Jacob had held hands with minutes earlier. The boy felt heads turning to him and he turned bright shades of red. Connor kind of felt with the boy,  because he himself was also not a part of whatever was going on between the two people in front of him. 

'That's Ricky,' 

'What? Your new boytoy?' Troye spat the words out like he was disgusted, and he probably was. Jacob raised his eyebrows offended as he leaned a bit backwards,

'What no?' he snorted with a slight frown like he was even surprised by the behavior of once so innocent seeming Troye. 

'Then what is he? Oh wait, it's just one of your friends that you forced to hold your hand while walking into the coffee shop where your ex works' Troye said cynically while faking optimism. Jacob rolled his eyes, trying not to show he was intimidated by the 18-year-old. 

'Okay, no, if you really want to know.. me and Ricky.. are.. uhm.. exloring' he said,a slight question mark at the end. Troye raised one eyebrow pedantically,

 'yeah right' he stated sarcastically. Connor couldn't help but snigger, which drew Jacob's attention towards him. 

'And you are..?' he said sassily, Connor decided to play it nice. Kill him with kindness.

 'Hi, I'm Connor, a friend of Troye's' he said with a big smile on his face. Jacob didn't really know what to say to that. Troye smiled, Jacob shifted his weight to his right leg, making his hip pop a little. 

'Uhm, but yeah, I'm taking Ricky to Caspar's party on Friday, so you can't have my plus one invite anymore' Jacob stated. Connor thought that was rather weird, because when you break up with someone of course you don't have the plus one invite anymore? Also, you don't really wanna go with that person anymore, so, what was his Jacob dude trying to accomplish besides showing off his great jawline and his friend he was exploring with? 

Troye shrugged, 'Oh no, that's okay, I got my own invite anyways, I'm going with Connor' Jacob's jaw dropped, his eyes darted between Connor and Troye as he was pretty startled by what Troye had just said. Connor just nodded his head, he never even heard of this party but for Troye he was willing to play along. 

'You got your own invite..?" Jacob uttered, startled. Troye smiled victoriously, 

'yes I did' he stated once again. Jacob clenched his fists as he had also realized that he was just making himself look like a fool while he had failed trying to make Troye jealous. 

'See you on Friday' he eventually uttered. And he turned around,walked towards Ricky and grabbed his hand and basically dragged him out of the shop with him. Troye turned to Connor, his facial expression was normal again, Connor looked at him rather surprised. 

'So.. a party this Friday?' he inquired. Troye nodded, 

'yup and I guess we're going'


I'm alive, sorry for not updating stuff has been going on and school and work are streeessssing me out. 

xo -J

Voices Through These Walls. - Tronnor Where stories live. Discover now