"I was being kidnapped"

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"This just didn't happen to girls like me. This just didn't happen to anyone."

I was never one to give up without a fight.

Stubbornness was a trait I was born with, one I inherited from my father, and it taught me to fight to protect myself.

Tonight was no exception.

"Come on pretty, let's not do anything stupid," the man was telling me. His grin showed menace, his eyes danger. I don't know what he had planned for me, or what his intentions were, but I wasn't ready to find out.

"Just go quietly, don't fight it okay." I wasn't about to do anything of the sort.

"Over my dead body. You want me, you're going to have to fight for it," I spit at him. He simply smirks at me, his eyes lighting with excitement at the challenge I had just presented to him. He was enjoying this.

"Oh sweetheart, don't tempt me," this is the moment he decides to lunge at me. With a grace that contradicted his size, he flew at me with the intention of capture. Adrenaline ruled my body, courage over took my brain. Automatically my legs moved me out of the way, my arms flew up to protect myself.

The thug didn't let something like my sudden movement throw him off his stride, he followed every movement as if he knew exactly where I planned to go.

"I've been doing this for a very long time now sweetheart, there's nothing you can try to get out of this."

Challenges was something I thrived off. If someone was telling me I couldn't do something, I put everything I had into proving them wrong. Never had the stakes been so high, I didn't know what he would do to me once he had caught me.

"It never hurt to try," I taunt.

He lunges for me once again, backing me against the wall down the alley. There weren't many ways for me to run, no where for me to hide. If he had caught me now, he had caught me for good. There was no one to call out help to, no one to come to my aid. I was completely alone in my fight and there was no back up on the way.

"See," he breathes on me, his face far too close to mine, "I always catch my prey."

That's what I was, I was prey and the predator had won. I understood now how the circle of life worked and how the gazelle never had any hopes of outrunning the lion. We were designed the way we were for a reason, this man had clearly been built to capture.

"Now, you have somewhere to be and its my personal pleasure to make sure you get there. So let's settle some ground rules shall we?" He asks me the rhetorical question as if waiting for some sort of acknowledgment. I can only find it in me to meekly nod. "You don't try anything stupid, and I won't hurt you. You try and be the hero and make any foolish moves, and I'll have no choice but I show you exactly what these muscles are good for," he flexes with this, showing off the mounds of pure steel. I had no doubt that when put to use, they had a way of getting the message effectively across.

I said I was never one to give up without a fight, but I knew how to admit defeat. This time, I had to surrender.  I wasn't ready to find out exactly what his strength was capable of.

"Good girl, now follow me," he grabs me by the elbow and leads me back onto the main road. This could be my chance to escape, to signal for help.

I was just about to execute the loudest scream I had ever had the courage to make when I felt metal, cold and hard, pressed into the middle of my back. I didn't have to turn around to know exactly what this was.

"Incase you had any ideas about making a scene. You so much as open your mouth and your blood will add colour to the road."

I didn't doubt for a second that he was bluffing.

He was holding me in a way that looked intimate, to any outsider making on their way we probably looked like a couple very much in love. But looks can be deceiving, and it was only me and him that knew exactly what was going on here.

I was being kidnapped.

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