'Hopefully, I had just cracked this case.'

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"Sometimes you have to be apart from people you love, but that doesn't make you love them any less. Sometimes you love them more."

I woke in an unfamiliar bed.

Memories from last night started to come floating back to the front of my mind and I sat up in shock, but mostly fear.

How had I let myself get to that point? I never wanted myself to be as vulnerable as I was three years ago, but there I was, so drunk I fainted in the sight of danger.

And now I didn't know where I was.

The room looked like a hotel room, all neat and painted white. I was the only person in the room but there was a bag by the front door that clearly belonged to the person who had booked this out. I was also relieved to see that I was still fully dressed from the night before.

Maybe nothing too sinister had happened last night. I just wished I could remember.

The last tequila shot was the one that pushed me over the edge. The case I was working was too much, too similar to how mine could have ended. It also reminded me of him.

I quickly get up and pick up my shoes from by the front door. I notice my bag is neatly placed on the nightstand, everything still sitting inside.

Who found me last night?

As quickly as I can, I grab my coat and leave the room.

Whoever had found me was clearly not someone out to harm me, but I wasn't about to stick around to find out. I was too hungover to try to remember what they had taught me in my police training.

I finally make it outside and immediately light up a cigarette once I am in the fresh air. I didn't count myself as a smoker, just when I found myself in particularly stressful situations. I seemed to be having a lot of those lately.

The streets were swarmed as people attempted to do their Saturday shopping. A few people gave me dirty looks as they saw me standing there, smoking and in last night's clothes. I didn't really care; I had stopped caring what people thought of me long ago.

"Hello," I hear a voice say next to me.

I look over to see a petite woman, around five two, with a mess of brown hair and blue eyes, staring at me. I look behind me, believing that she must be speaking to someone else, people weren't usually this friendly around here. Noticing that that she was clearly speaking to me, I take a long drag of my cigarette before replying.

"Hello," she smiles brighter at my response.

This woman was clearly not from around here, no one that lived here looked that happy.

"I'm Chloe," she introduces.

"Elizabeth," I tell her, stumping out my cigarette in front of me. I was almost tempted to light up another one.

"So, you're sneaking away huh?" she asks me.

I stare at her dumbstruck. Was she the person that found me?

Noticing my shocked silence, she continues.

"You look a lot better than you did last night, I think you almost gave him a heart attack when he saw you," this woman was talking in code, trying to hint to me what had happened without directly telling me. I wanted to lash out at her, scream at her to tell me exactly what had happened, but I hold my anger in. I needed her to explain, the last thing I wanted to do was piss her off.

"Please," I beg her, "tell me what happened to me?"

Chloe's POV

She was a lot prettier than I had imagined. Even standing there, hair messed and make up smudged, she looked like she could walk onto a run way. I wanted to hit her. I could see why Daniel was so madly in love with this woman, I believed not many men were able to resist her looks.

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