Kayla's life

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Kayla's life was crazy but sample she had two half sisters and two half brothers. She loved her my but hated her boyfriend and her dad. kayla was the oldest of her siblings.

She also have a small group of friends her BFFL(Best friends for life)Amy and Ashley.They had been friends since the 6th grade Kayla was always the to make u laugh and joke around.Amy was always the one to study and do her homework and make bad puns but being Kayla her laugh at any joke.Ashley was the one to make them stop fighting she was the glue of the group.

Besides her friends and family Kayla loves singing.So her and some friends got together and a video of her singing.(the video up top thank u Avril Lavigne love u big fan.)

Hi it's headphonegaming here and sorry if this chapter is short I wanted to explain what happens to Kayla to u u guys my fearless friends byyyyyy. I love the song smile.

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