We all have that one

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I was walking with Amy to school(college not high school 😫)
"So r u thinking about make another video".amy ask me.
I sigh thinking about the last video I made.(YouTube was not a thing in DBZ so,sorry........how do they live without YouTube.)We didn't let anyone see it but us.
"I don't know maybe if I feel like it.I said
"So your hair u rocking the green pink girl but what happened to the green and black".amy said/ask and push me with her waist.
I smiled at what she said/ask.
"I wanted to dye my hair again"i said."YOOOOO WAIT UP. "My friend Jacob yell at us to wait."Hey cakeupblackcoffee"me and Amy said.We have call him that since the 6th grade,all my friends have a nickname."Why r u still calling me that!"cakeup said nearly yelling."Sorry cakeup the name just sucked to u."No thanks to u,your the one who called me that."cakeup said."Sorry I was bored so I came up with the na---.before I could finish I bunted into a man.that had spicky black hair and pale skin and black eye.He was wearing an orange suit."oh I'm so sorry I didn't see u there."he said."since I was slot mean to people it was my thing to be mean."Will maybe you should look at where your going!"I nearly yelled.He looked at me weird,and before I could say something else Amy said"I'm soo sorry about her she gets mad easy."Amy said,Then he left.

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