lazy sunday

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(Since I'm lazy I'm going to skip how they meet )

Kayla's P.O.V
I was at my house eating junk food and watching Black Butler.Why is Grell so fabulous!!!Then Amy walk in the living room and said"Move over let me sit." I give her the 'i don't care' look and stretched my legs,and took the hole couch."really" Amy said.I noded and said "it's lazy Sunday." "It's Tuesday."(club going up on a yo girl-   ok let's stop)
"Do I look like a calendar." I said. Then she started to get mad." Move over now!"she said angrily. "Cheese stop yelling your going to wake up my cats."I said lazily."Ok just move over."Amy said more nicely."but it's lazy Sunday bro."

"IT'S TUESDAY."Amy yelled.
I look at her she was crazy.
"Who wants pizza."(*tmnt run in a take the pizza*)my mum said/yelled.

I want pizza,it's so far away. And butt feels so good on the couch. And to make matters worse any eating pizza in my face. So I ran as fast as I possible ( who like the show Kim possible pls let me know.) And ran back to the couch. To find Amy sitting on the couch. "Can move over so I can sit please." I ask nicely
"It's lazy Sunday bro." She said with a smug look on her face.

"I have lost today." I said sitting in the corner ( like how tamaki from ohshc please watch it it's amazing)

The end

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