Reunion of Best Friends

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Ash's POV

I woke up to pikachu shocking me. Still feeling drowsy I yawned stretching my arms. " Why'd you Shock me?" I said. "Chu chu Pika pi" ( It's time to go we landed) he said pointing towards the people walking towards the exit. "Oh, I laughed, thanks for waking me. Let's get going then." I quickly put on my backpack and then pikachu jumped on my shoulder as we walked, towards the exit. As soon as i reacher the stairs I jumped downwards and landed on the ground. I walked towards airport building, and checked my phone to see which city I was in. "Hmm, I turned towards pikachu, looks like we're in Lumiose City Pikachu." I said rubbing him under the chin. " Well, we should go see this colleague of Prof. Oak, let me check the envelope he gave us. I took off my backpack and found the envelope. I found the letter which giving us the address, I typed in the address on Poké Maps and found that he didn't live too far. " Well let's go pikachu, and deliver the letter." I said running out of the airport heading towards Prof. Oaks colleaguea house." Well it looks like we're here pikachu." I said standing outside near the gate of the house. Walking up towards the door Pikachu and I did our traditional knock. " We were then greeted by who I assumed to be Prof. Oaks colleague " Ahh, you must be Ash. Come in, come in allow me to introduce myself I'm Prof. Sycamore." He said opening the door. " Thanks, Prof. Sycamore, oh before I forget I have a letter here for you from Prof. Oak " I said taking off my backpack and getting the letter and handing it to him. "Ahh. Thank you, ummm" "Oh, right I forgot to introduce myself" I said scratching the back of my head. "Pika pi?" ( Really?) "Yes, really, I said to pikachu whom stared at me disbelievingly, right well my name's Ash and this is my partner/buddy Pikachu" I said. "Well, Ash thanks for delivering the letter, can you give me a min to read this letter?" " Sure, no problem, wait do you mind me looking around you house while I wait?" " Go on, ahead there's a garden out back with some Pokémon, you can go there if you want" " Thanks Prof. Sycamore " I immediately ran towards the garden finding my way there in less than a few mins. Once their I was greeted by many Pokémon who decided to playfully dog pile on me.
( Back in the living Room)

Prof. Syacmore's POV

Prof. Sycamore opened the letter and read Prof. Oaks letter.

Dear, Prof. Syacmore

I have a favor I would like to ask of you. You've undoubtedly met Ash since you can't have gotten this letter without him have giving it to you and his Pikachu. I'm working on a project that could help Pikachu get stronger, I don't know as much about mega evolution as you do. So I was hoping you would consider helping me with the project, in the letter there are some of my notes that I have gotten so far use them to help you finish, the rest of the work I leave in your hands.
Prof. Oak

Checking the notes and what Prof. Oak hoped to accomplish, Prof. Sycamore smiled." Oak, if we're able to pull this off we'll create a major breakthrough in my research" Well let's hope this works he said going to his lab to drop of the notes he had been given and headed towards the garden to speak with Ash.

(Back in the Garden)

Ash's POV

Ash was still trapped in a dog pile, trying to get up. " Pikachu, can you help me get out of this" " Pi pika Pi" (Nope, this is way to fun to watch, also b/c even if tryed I wouldn't be able to theirs at least 20 Pokémon on you)
"Ugggh,I sighed knowing that he was right, well can you at least tell them to get off of me? "Pika Pika chuchu pi" (Sure, but only if you promise to buy me a bottle of ketchup) he said with a mischevious smile " Fine, I will, I will just tell them to get off me" Pikachu nodded and told them to get off of me, they all eventually did except for one, who decided to jump on top of my head and take a nap. "Who's this Pokémon?" " Oh, that's Froagie the water starter for The Kalos Region" I turned around and saw Prof. Sycamore come walking along side a Garchomp. " It looks like he's taking a liking towards you usually he'll use Water Pulse on strangers" "Hmm, so is that your Garchomp Prof. Sycamore?" " Yes, he's my Pokémon, he said rubbing his head, actually Garchomp is able to mega evolve." Wait, REALLY Your Garchomp can mega evolve!!?!?!?" Prof. Sycamore just nodded laughing. " Can, I have battle with your Garchomp then.!!!?" " Sure, we can go.. Before he could finish his sentence we heard a crash and saw glass fall to the ground and a net came towards our direction luckily Prof. Sycamore, Pikachu and I escaped it, Garchomp wasn't as lucky as he was taken through the hole through the glass. " Gar Cho Gar" (Help, Sycamore, Ash, Pikachu) I ran outside following where the net was going. Where I was met with " Prepare for Trouble and Make it double. To protect the world from devastation. To unite all people within our nation. To denounce the evil of truth and love. To extend our reach to the stars above. Jessie, James, meowth. Team Rocket blasting off at the speed of light. Surrender bow or prepare to fight." " Not, you three again, Pikachu jumped off my shoulder and electricity sparked from his cheeks" " Now, that we know this Garchomp can mega evolve were gonna make it mega evolve and take that Pikachu of yours" I saw James put a collar around Garchomps neck with a stone in the middle, in his hand he held a stone. "Now, Garchomp Mega-Evolve" We stood their and we all sweat dropped. " JAMES, hurry up a mega evolve Garchomp!!!! " "I'm trying to Jessie" He said Trying again. " Pikachu, quick use Thunderbolt on the stone James is holding and then use Electro Ball on them" He nodded " PIIII- KA CHUUUUU!!!" Electricity shit towards the stone which dissolved to ashes. " You'll pay for this Twerp" " I doubt it, Pikachu NOW!" "Pika Pika Pika Pi- Ka, he said charging up his Electro Ball aiming towards Team Rocket" It hit them as they had gotten their pokeballs out. Smoke appeared and Team Rocket flew upwards " We were so close if only you had Gotten It right the first Time the we would be BLASTING OFF AGAIN" They said the last part in unison. " Well, now that's taken carewe turned towards Garchomp who had disappeared, wait.. what where's Garchomp" I looked up and saw Something headed towards a tower. " Over their, let's go Pikachu, whom jumped on my shoulder. As I raced towards the tower, as I finally reached it I saw that the entire tower was closed do to a rampaging Pokémon on the tower. " Uggh, we need to get up their" " Umm, If your looking for a way up their I can help you out." I turned towards the voice and saw a boy with blonde hair around the same age as me and what looked to be his younger sister." Are, you serious?? " He nodded " Just, follow me I'll get you up their in no time" I nodded quickly following him to an underground passage way. We finally reached a stair way where we reached up to the top base of The Tower. " Okay, I'll go on ahead you both stay here" They nodded understandingly. I hurriedly ran up the flight up stair as helicopter's and police cars showed up around the tower.

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