A Reunion of Siblings and a Gym Badge

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Unkown POV

" Hi Nurse Joy, um where do have your Video Phones" " They're to your left" " Thank you so much, come on Lucario" I hurried towards the Video Phones" Okay, we should call Mom and see if my bro's finally here in The Kalos Region. I quickly typed in the Region and who I was calling. "Hello, who is it" "Mom, it's me" " Oh, my it's been so long since I last saw you sweetie when your dad took you to the Kalos Region" " Yah it sure has hasn't it mom" I said reminiscing about the day I left Kanto. " Hey, Mom can I ask you something it's the reason I'm calling you" " Sure, honey what is it?" "Is, my brother finally here in Kalos" " Actually yes he is, last time he called he said he was going to face a gym Leader in a town called Vaniville Town" "Really, Mom!!!, he's finally here.!!, I turned towards Lucario, Did you hear that my brothers in Kalos and were not far From Vaniville Town. " Yah, I heard your Mom, well what are we waiting for let's go see your brother so you can reunite with him and I can finally meet him" Lucario said (Lucario told this to his Trainer by using his Aura)
" Right, I nodded ,well I'm gonna go now Mom see ya later" " Okay, then sweetie take care and I hope you don't have trouble finding your brother" "Thanks Mom, love you bye" I turned off the video phone and walked towards the exit. " Let's get going Lucario " I ran and my skates immediately appeared under my shoe as I skated towards Vaniville Town.

(Back With Ash)

Ash's POV

"So where are we heading too, Ash" I turned towards Clemont." Well most likely where ever the Closest Gym is, I want to get some badges" " Alrighty then, well the nearest Gym is in Santalune City, but before you do we should head to the Pokémon Center and register you for the Kalos league " " Yah, well then let's go to The Pokémon Center" I said pumping my fist in the air "You ready to win some badges and beat the Kalos League Pikachu?" " Pika Pi Pi ( Of Course, I am Let's go!!) "Ash??" I turned around to face Serena whose face was slightly blushing. " Yah, Serena? "She was twirling her hair in such a cute way, " Umm, could you show me how to catch a Pokémon please?" I turned towards her and put my hand on her shoulder "Of course, Serena I'll teach you everything you need to know" She ran up to me and began hugging me "Thank you Ash so much" "Anytime Serena, I said hugging her back, I turned and saw Clemont standing their covering Bonnie's mouth muffling her scream and I saw her eye's which were huge and sparkling." I see a valley over their , I said pointing Northeast, let's try and find you a Pokemon their" Serena let go if me and nodded as we headed to the valley. " Okay, let me try and find a Pokémon to show you how to catch one, I finally spotted a Pokémon that resembled a tiny. "Here, I'll catch this Pokémon and you take notes ok, on What I do to catch it."Serena nodded and called out her Fennekin. "Alright Pikachu.., almost immediately Froagie came out of his Pokéball and Stood in front of Pikachu, do you want to battle Froagie?" "Froagie Froag"( Yup, let me battle this Pokémon) "Alright then Froagie use Water Pulse. He nodded and charged up Water Pulse and held it in his hand and ran and jumped up to the Bird Pokémon. " FROA-GIE (I shall Win!) Froagie's attack, hit the tiny bird by surprise and knocked it down to the ground. " Alright, great job Froagie now Pokéball go!!" I threw the Pokéball at the Bird and inside it went. I anxiously awaited for it click to signify that I had caught it, soon after it finally clicked. "Yes, we caught our first Kalos Pokémon" I fist pumped in the air and Pikachu and Froagie jumped up with me cheering. "So, did you see how I caught the Pokémon Serena?" She nodded happily "Thanks, Ash for showing me " It was my pleasure Serena, okay I think we should hurry up and head to the Pokémon Center, I need to heal Froagie and my new Pokémon " "Alright, then the nearest Pokémon Center is in Santalune City let's go, wait a minute Bonnie where are you?" Clemont said frantically searching for his sister. " I'm over here Clemont!!" Bonnie yelled towards her brother. We all ran towards her and saw her playing with Chespin tag. We all laughed towards Bonnie playing with Chespin. " Come on, Bonnie We need to get going to the Pokémon Center it's starting to get dark." Clemont said returning Chespin. "Oh, alright" Bonnie said feeling sad " It alright Bonnie when we get to the Pokémon center you can play with Chespin and the rest of our Pokémon. How does that sound?" "REALLY!!!!,THANK YOU THANK YOU, Bonnie's eyes sparkled with joy, COME ONE YOU GUYS LET'S GO!!!" Bonnie started running ahead dashing towards the clearing. " Bonnie!!!!, we all yelled trying to catch up to her.We finally caught up to her and she had already made it to the pokemon center and was sitting on a bench "How about next time we run ahead of her and then tell her so that were not so far behind her" I said looking over to Clemont and Serena who were, like me, panting from exhaustion. " That might be a good idea" Clemont said. We walked into the Pokémon Center "I'll go see if they have any more rooms left, you guys can just wait" I didn't need to tell them twice because as soon as I said they collapsed on the couch near them. I headed towards nurse joy to ask her if they were any more rooms left luckily their was. " Here you go, she then handed me the keys to two rooms" "Thank you Nurse Joy, also could you heal my Pokémon before I go" "Certainly, they'll be in tip top shape by tomorrow morning" " Thank you Nurse Joy" As I turned around I saw that Bonnie had fallen asleep and the Serena and Clemont were barely managing to stay awake. " Hey guys I got our room keys now who goes in which room" "I'm gonna sleep with my Bonnie seeing as she has nightmares sometimes, Clemont said, so I guess you and Serena are gonna have to sleep in the other room" " Alright, that's good with me, are you okay with that Serena?" I looked towards Serena who was slightly blushing "Umm... yah that's fine, with me" " Well goodnight Clemont, he waved towards his room which left Serena and me by ourselves, Let's go to our room then Serena" She nodded and grabbed her backpack as we headed towards our room. Thank Arceus that when we entered their were two beds It would've been really awkward if we had to share it , I looked to the right and saw the bathroom and to the left their was a balcony of an amazing view of the city. "Serena," " Yah, Ash??" She said turning around from setting her things on her bed," You can go change first into you night clothes I want to go look at the view of the city" " Thanks, I'll come get you so that you can change too" She said grabbing a set of clothes from her backpack and entering the bathroom. I set down my stuff on my bed and then headed towards the balcony. The view really was Amazing, in the center of the city their was a fountain shapes like a Roselia and in the far Northeast I could see the Santalune Gym. " Hey Pikachu?" I said scratching his under chin."Chu Pi Pi" ( Yah, what's up Ash?) "You ready to fight the gym tomorrow?" Pikachu then jumped off my shoulder and Stood on the rail of the balcony " Pika Pika Pi Pi!!" ( You know I am We'll win the gym and earn a badge) Pikachu said pumping his fist in the air. " You know we will !!" We fist bumped " You seem to be happy" I turned around and saw Serena in her night clothes. " Yah, I just can't wait to battle the gym Leader and win a badge." " I know you'll win Ash I believe in you and I'll support you all the way" I felt my heartbeat increase and a smile spread on my face. " Thanks, Serena it means a lot, I don't know why I did what I did but I hugged her.

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