Just Making Sure (MC x Mamoru)

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"Damn, this day..." Pulling doubles at the station on and off for days is getting to me. When they told me I'd makes great detective at the academy, this sure as hell wasn't what I was thinking. They never tell you that there's a shitload of paperwork to do.

"Welcome home." I must be out of it to not notice the smell of coffee in the air and the mug held up to me by my girlfriend.

"Thanks, kid." I kiss her cheek before taking a long drag from the mug and I can feel myself becoming somewhat human again.

[___] had gone back to the kitchen to finish cleaning as she talked to me. "I'd ask how your day was, but I can tell. You're always going for the coffee first. Is everything okay?" That worried look of hers always pulls at me and I sigh in slight aggravation. I hate that look on her face when all she should look is happy.

"Yeah," I say long and drawn out. "Caseload at work getting swamped." I plop myself down on the couch and feel the aches drag me into the cushions.

She giggled as she finished and walked over to me, drying her hands on a kitchen towel. "You know what the guys would say if they heard you."

"Well, they ain't here so I don't care what they would say." I dug out my pack of smokes from my pocket and drew one out. lighting up and taking a drag before sipping my coffee. "Just because I hate paperwork don't mean nothing."

"I know," [___] said as she sat next to me. "You still get the job done." Her soft smile was reason enough to get through the day.

I get up o open the window. "Sorry about that..." Even though we've been together a while, I still forget to crack the window so she doesn't smell the smoke so much. I move the ashtray to the window sill so I can leave my cigarette there.

"S'okay," she said as she propped her feet onto the couch and leaned against me.

"Hey, a promise is a promise, kid, and I'm keepin' it." I wrap my arm around her to draw her closer and instantly feel all my troubles go away. Who knew that this would happen to me? I close my eyes and breathe in deep that gentle scent of her shampoo, the softness of her body and just let everything drift off because she is all that matters...


It had been a while since he came home and all we did was sit in each other's company in silence these past few days. Work has been so much for him and I felt as if Mamoru was coming down with something. He was a little paler and thinner despite my making sure he got food and rest. It breaks my hear to know he has to so do much as a detective and work as an auction manager, but I do what I can to support him and make sire he gets through every day.

I'm grateful he's always considerate of my needs despite his own. I had closed my eyes for a few moments and opened to see that his cigarette had burned itself out. Looking up, I see that Mamoru fell asleep while holding me. I sighed and shook my head. Not the first time this has happened but he could have at least waited till he had something to eat.

As I watched him sleep, I felt the gentle rhythm of his breathing. He looked so peaceful like this, I couldn't help but reach up and brush a few strands of hair from his forehead. Then I placed my hand on his chest and felt Mamoru's heart beat at a slow and steady pace. Here I am sitting with the last person I ever expected to find myself in love with and I yet I have never regretted how things have lead to this moment. I rested my head on his chest and closed my eyes, listening to the steady beat as I slowly fell asleep.

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