The Poker Tournament

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Soryu Oh x MC
Including Ryosuke and Samejima
Drabble prompt #32: "I think I'm in love with you and I'm terrified." From this listing: 

After having been bought by Eisuke from the private auction and given to Soryu, life has been rough. Between work and being called upon at random points during the day and night, I was exhausted.

Today, Soryu paged for me to join him as his date for a huge poker tournament being held at Tres Spades all week. I'd been asked to dress in simple but elegant dresses since I wasn't on the clock and since the mobster was a VIP, no one really questioned why I was with him.

It all seemed surreal to me and I felt embarrassed to be seen in such lovely dresses. They weren't flashy, but they accentuated my curves and I got really self conscious. Soryu didn't say more than a word her and there, but Ryosuke and Samejima gave me compliments.

"Oh wow! You look amazing, princess!" Ryosuke's big puppy dog smile made me really happy despite my nervousness.

"Boss knows how to pick clothes well," Samejima said with a small smile.

I didn't realize he chose the gowns, but it made sense he would. Who else could it have been? It made my heart flutter a bit knowing each piece was from him. Too bad they're only for this week. That killed the mood as I stood next to him, hand in arm as we rode the elevator down. My hair was done in a loose updo and I wore dangle earrings that complemented the dress I wore for the evening. I hadn't realized I sighed until Soryu pulled the emergency breaks on the car.

Out with it." Soryu kept his gaze forward and it always made me nervous when he did that.

"I-It's nothing," I said as I turned my gaze to the floor. My heart felt uneasy knowing I was just a tool for whatever was going on this night.

"Doesn't look or sound like nothing to me." Soryu turned to face me as I held onto his arm still and I looked up. "Inui told me you were looking a little depressed."

"Did he," I said as I tried to steady my nerve. I didn't want this man worrying his asset was having emotional attachment issues. "It's just... work related. Nothing you need to-"

"If you're worried about the dresses and accessories, they're all yours." Soryu ran a large hand through his hair as he averted his gaze for a moment before looking at me, a slight smile formed on his lips. "You really do look nice in those dresses."

"What..." My cheeks became hot after hearing his compliment and I hold one side of my face. My heart jumped and I think I gasped loud enough for him to hear.

"You heard me." Soryu pushed the release button and the elevator began it's slow decent. "Stay close to me, got that? I don't wan to have to worry about you."

"You don't have to worry about me," I said reassuringly.

He pulls he breaks again and it causes the elevator to jump this time, causing me to lose my balance. "Oh!" I felt myself lose balance and, squeezing my eyes shut, I braced myself as I crashed into what I expected to be the wall or floor of the elevator. It was the warm broad chest of Soryu and I automatically try to move away, but strong arms wrap around me.

"Are you alright?" This wasn't his usual stern tone. There was a bit of warmth and care behind those words and I saw the same in his eyes. I nod my response as the words were trapped inside seeing just how close his face was and I think my face grew hotter. "Listen... This is kind of new to me but... please do as I say and stay by my side okay?" He kisses my hair and sparks shoot throughout my body. "I suddenly don't want to lose you and that worries me."

I look up into his eyes and see genuine concern. "Lose me?"

"Yeah..." Soryu runs a hand through his hair again and sighed, looking a little agitated. "I don't normally this way about people, but your more than what I expected when I took you on. I think I'm getting used to that..." He turned his gaze away.

My heart pounded with excitement and I bury my face in his chest as I fight the urge to feel so relieved. I noticed he didn't let me go, but I didn't look up. Instead, I turned to hide my face from him. "Would it make you feel any better... if I said... I feel the same?"

I felt the rumblings of his chuckles as I rested my head on his chest. "I guess we're both in deeper than we thought," Soryu said with a sigh. I pull away to see him looking to the ceiling before looking at me. His intense gaze made me shiver a little and he rubbed my arms with his warm hands. I then felt something drape over my shoulders. "You look like a lost lamb in the winter forest. Guess thats why I feel like I gotta watch over you..."

"So then... What would that make you? The hunter?"

"No," Soryu said as he released the break again and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "I'm the dragon that'll kill anyone that tries to take what's his." The elevator doors openeed and I was sure I saw butterflies leave me as he led me out towards the main lobby and to the exhibition hall. Somehow, I never felt more safe than now. The road is still unknown, but at least our feelings are known and the road is a little clearer.

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