Rainy Day Blues

592 16 0

Soryu Oh x MC
Rating: Aww

I've been hit with a bad week. Extra shifts at hotel, at least two guests filing false complaints because they didn't get what they wanted (including me in their beds), almost getting kidnapped by a guest to accompany them to the auction when I wasn't supposed to be there and, to top it all off, getting splashed by a passing car in the pouring rain. I've come home worse than the most soaked rag imaginable. I guess this is how it feels to be an unlucky dog. I'm in the pits and even my best friends and coworkers couldn't help me. I've showered and planned to do nothing but binge watch my shows and trash eat. I thank my lucky stars Eisuke and the others had my back, but I didn't want to be anymore of a burden to them so I requested the weekend off because I just couldn't take it anymore. I was afraid I would snap and make things worse for them when all they did was look after me.

I'm feeling a little chill run through me, but thinking I'm just really tired, I go and fix myself some tea and hunker down for the weekend. I'm about to start my show when I get a call. "Oh..." It's my boyfriend, Soryu. I wonder what it could be about. "Hello."

"Hey." That gruff voice of his could settle all my worries and I sink into my couch in relief. "You okay?"

I start to cough but recover quickly. "Yeah, I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

"Ota and Baba kept talking about one of the auction guests trying to get you to be their date." I could see it now: stern look, mind quick to go for that gun he always carries. Wonder what else they told him... oh boy...

"It's okay, nothing happened," I said, hands he couldn't see waving him off. "It's just been a really busy week at the hotel, that's all."

That heavy sigh. Come on, let it go. I was the one that almost got dragged off to some stranger's room a couple times. "No one better have laid a hand on you." Stupid brain! Why are you so loud! My prolonged silence earned me an earful of "why didn't you call me as soon as possible" and "who was it so I could talk with them."

"Please, Soryu. I just need-" I couldn't stop the coughing this time. Nor did I realize how hot it suddenly got after seeing I didn't drink my tea yet.

"What's wrong?" Now the genuine worry has set in and all I've done was cause trouble again.

"N-nothing, really! I'll be fine," I say between coughs. "I just need rest. I'll be back at work in no time." The rain wasn't letting up so I was definitely not going anywhere. Taking a deep breath, after the coughs finally subsided, I said to the mobster, "It's raining really hard so I don't plan to go anywhere. I just need tea and my blankets and I'll be fine."

"It's Summer and you need blankets?" Crap, this isn't going to go well. "I'll be over as soon as I can." And he hung up.

Heaving a sigh, all I could feel is that of a burden. Soryu was a member of the Ice Dragons mafia and always working hard to see his group succeed in their plans. The last thing I wanted was for him to take off and take care of me. Now that my tea was cold, I decided to go and heat it up. But, a sudden dizzy spell takes over me and I did my best to save the mug, but not myself as I collapse onto the floor. The room goes dark as it spins all around me.


Ugh... I wake up, head pounding, throat raw and chest and nose congested so bad, I almost choked on air. Wait... something is covering me... Rubbing my eyes, I see I'm on my couch with a blanket over me. The sounds of movement in the kitchen gets me awake but my body is in too much pain to move much.

Soryu comes with fresh mugs of tea and sets them on the coffee table. "Good to see you're awake," he said as he looked me over. Worry set that strong visage of his in a mood that rips at my heartstrings.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2019 ⏰

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