First Night Out (MC x Eisuke)

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After confessing our love for each other, Eisuke and I have gone to many dinner parties, events and I.V.C.s. But, we've never gone on actual dates alone. Warmer weather means more traveling and that meant more travelers staying at Tres Spade. Between that and events hosted every week, I was beginning to feel worn down. My shift just ended and I'm out of uniform when I get paged. But not to the penthouse...

I head to the lobby where Eisuke is waiting for me. Even in casual clothes, his presence is overwhelming and I can't help but admire the view. He's talking with Mr. Kenzaki who indicates that I've arrived. "Cutting it close, [___]." Eisuke stood with arms crossed and smirked at me as Mr. Kenzaki bowed and went off somewhere.

"You called just as I was finishing changing," I said, looking at him curiously. "Why are we meeting here?"

"We're going on a trip," Eisuke said as he turned and made his way out of the hotel to a waiting limousine. I trotted close behind to keep up and climbed in as he waited for me before climbing in himself and the chauffeur pulls out onto the street.

I sat in silence for a while, watching the scenery pass us by until I noticed that we were leaving the city. "Where are we going?" I turned to Eisuke for answers but all he did was smirk as he glanced are me before going back to checking things on his phone.

"You worry too much," He said as he pulled me closer to him. "Just let me take care of things and you just sit here and relax for once."

I furrowed my brows a bit as I looked at his face for clues, but that grin Eisuke wore told me I better stop or else I'll get punished and that could be a bad thing. I rested my head on his shoulder as he held me during this peaceful ride and drifted off to sleep.


I feel a gentle shake and wake up to find us at the beach. Eisuke moves to get out of the car and offers his hand to me, which I take. I'm stunned in awe as I look around. The sun is just starting to set.

"Better take your shoes off." I turns to Eisuke who's handed his shoes to the driver and put on a pair of flip flops. I stare in disbelief as he started rolling his pant cuffs up. "Hurry up."

I quickly swap my shoes for the flip flops I was handed. Good thing I decided to wear a dress , I thought to myself as I took Eisuke's hand and he started walking towards the sand. Lately, he's been so unpredictable that I had to make sure I was dressed at least casual date style. The salty breeze that came from the water was refreshing but also a bit chilly. It's not summer yet so the nights have been pretty cold. I'm wearing a cardigan, but it does nothing against the chilly. I'm pulling it closer to me when I feel an arm around my shoulders.

"You just love making things difficult for me, don't you?" I see my boyfriend smirking as we continued to walk. "This will cost you."

"I'm sorry, but you didn't tell-" I'm cut off when he suddenly pulls me in for a breath taking kiss. I'm left clutching his shirt trying to straighten my scrambled brain out.

His smirks will forever make me weak in the knees. "I'll let it slide since this was my doing, but be prepared next time." Eisuke slowly let me go and proceeded to walk, holding my hand. "Pretty sure your face says that you're plenty warm now."

I placed a hand on my cheek and felt the flush from that kiss. I smiled sheepishly as I followed his lead. "That's your fault."

Eisuke merely chuckled as we kept walking along the sand. The sun was setting and twilight was starting to show. It was such a romantic moment, I had to wonder just what was going on here. "You think too much," I heard by my ear and it made me jump. He sighed with a wary look on his face as he ran a hand through his hair. "Is it so strange for a boyfriend to treat his girlfriend to something nice once in a while?"

I couldn't help raise my brows in surprise at what I just heard. "When it comes to you, 'something nice' could mean something over the top like a ride in a helicopter or eating the most expensive foods imaginable."

"True, but I am trying to get to your level of romance so bear with the millionaire that is completely clueless on the ways of the commoner." Eisuke smirks confidently as we approached a waiter standing by a table in a romantic setting with candles lit and a few roses in the center.

I'm so surprised, I almost stop in my tracks if not for the hand that ushered me to a seat held out by the waiter. As I sit, I can see that the scenery is amazing. The water slowly lapping on the beach, the night falling still and the stars coming out for us was all too much. "You did all this?"

Eisuke scoffed as he sat opposite me. "And just who else would go to such lengths for you, hmm?" He signaled for the waiter to bring the wine over.

I smile as I take the glass of offered wine then turn my head to see a beach house not far from where we were. "Did you rent this place out?"

Eisuke sipped his wine. "Of course not. I bought it." He glanced over at me and saw my gaping mouth open. "You're mouth is hang open. Shall I go back to how I do things?"

I sputter and wave a hand as I shake my head. "N-no! Th-This is really just so amazing, and you did it for me..."

Eisuke looks away as he swished his wine in his glass. "I did it because I was told the view was exceptional from the porch. Had the seller lied to me, I would has taken him to the cleaners." No matter what the story could have been, his blush says otherwise.

We enjoyed a wonderfully romantic dinner on the beach. Just my boyfriend and I and the stars. 

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