Bonding Over Brew (MC x Eisuke)

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It was shortly after I was bought at a black market auction that I was given a pager to the penthouse and called there whenever Eisuke wanted me there. The IVC was a week ago so things have settled down a bit at Tres Spades. It'd been hectic and I had spent a fair bit of time with the auction managers. It felt good to be back. Normal. I was in my apartment located in employee housing reading a book when my pager goes off. Heaving a sigh, I rush out of my apartment and head straight to the penthouse.

When I get there, I'm slightly out of breath and no one is around. Taking a deep breath, I quickly head up to Eisuke's personal suite and find him sitting on the couch, cross legged, looking at something on his tablet.

"You're late." He didn't look up from what he was doing, but knew I was there.

"I'm sorry," I panted. "I'm coming from my apartment." Fidgeting where I stood, I'm so nervous as I've only been here to clean. It's so different at night and I've only spent a few minutes cleaning here.

Sighing, Eisuke places his tablet on the table and uncross his long legs to stand up and walk towards me. "I'll let it slide just this once." His tone was stern, but not harsh as he walked right passed me. I had taken a few steps back and bumped into a wall. "I need this cleaned up," he called from the kitchen area.

Curious, I walk over to where he stood cross armed and saw what was once a coffee maker. "What happened here?" I took tender steps toward the battle damaged device and tried to assess the damage. The coffee maker looked like it puked coffee grounds and pissed on itself. I turn to see if I can get an answer, but all I saw was the owner remaining cross armed, leaning against the counter and avoiding my gaze. "Did you..."

"Damn thing went haywire. Not my fault it didn't work..." At least that's what I thought he said because he words were mumbled and barely decipherable. Is he pouting? Eisuke looked adorable as he tried to play it off like it wasn't his fault.

I couldn't help but giggle as I cleaned up the mess. "You're lucky it didn't bite your hands off. Why didn't you call for room service? You can do that since you're the owner."

"I didn't want the hassle of a chatty waitress bringing me crappy coffee."

"And yet you trust me, a house maid, who just giggled at your misfortune..." I cleaned the inside of the coffee machine to avoid the evil look I felt I was possibly getting.

"Heh, I'll allow you this moment since I own you, but don't get cocky. Just make the coffee." I turn to see that Eisuke was watching me work instead of sitting down.

"You know, if you want, I can show you how to use this and you can make coffee yourself."

"Why, when I have you for that." Eisuke chuckled with that smirk on his face that always set my nerves on edge and all I could do was sigh. Shaking my head, I prepare the coffee in the machine.

As the water began to boil, I grabbed the milk and sugar. "What's to happen when I have to go somewhere and can't be here?"

"You're not allowed to go anywhere without my permission." I can hear the grin on his perfect lips. "I need my coffee girl. Be grateful. I was actually considering your needs when this happened." I turned around in disbelief as I could have sworn I saw Eisuke blush, but he started to walk back to the couch. "Hurry up. I won't wait all night."

"Hey, you can't rush boiling water!" I could hear the chuckle from where he sat, crossing those long legs of his, as he took up his tablet and resumes whatever it was he was doing before I arrived. How did I end up like this, I thought to myself as I went through the motions. I know better than to go against someone that would make me disappear. And yet, I find myself enjoying this little moment of trust and relish the memory of seeing a side of Eisuke no one else, I'm certain, has never seen before.

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