Chapter 17

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Zara POV

"So Zara how do you like your new home?"dad asked relaxing in chair as i came to give him morning tea

"Alhamdulilah abbu everyone is very sweet and friendly"i answered smiling,no matter how close you are with your parents after marriage you develop a sense of maturity in behaviour that too especially in front of dad

"Im glad to hear"he laughed a little may be cz of the way i replied or cz of satisfaction

"so is zahan coming to pick you up?"

"No call from him yet"i said handing over mug,he simply nodded and smile


"hello,Asalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarkatuhu"i said picking up the call in one ring

"Walaikumasalam Mrs.Zahan"he chuckled"well some one seems to be waiting for my call i guess"he teased

"Naahhh...i was playing candy crush and your call interepted my game"hearing my words he left a soft laugh

"So the iphone seems to be in good use i think"he teased which made me blush

"So how was your day?"he continued

"good and yours?"i asked

"day was good but night was great,i had whole bed for myself no pillow no nothing i slept nicely"he teased

"Heyyyyy!!!"i tried to sound a bit angry which made him laugh

"okay,when are you planning to come back?"

"well,im planning to stay a little longer so u could sleep nicely few more days there,here no one have problem me sleeping with a pillow"now it was my turn to tease

"oh ya right"he knew what i meant which made me smile

"So...?"he left incomplete

"So....?"i repeated back,which made both of us laugh

"so have a great time,il call you soon"he said

"ya okay"i said softly,when i felt like he was going to say allah hafiz


"hmmm ya?"he said in a bit confuse voice thinking what i was gona say

"I loved it...i love that ring,its perfect"i said sounding as happy and excited as i could

"Allah-Hafiz Mrs.Zahan"he said in a soft voice more like a pleased voice

"Allah-Hafiz"i smile and he cut the call

It was his first gift for me and im sure he wanted to know whether i liked it or not and being Zahan there was no way he was gona ask me but i wanted to let him know i liked it i wanted him to know what i think about his gift

Zahan POV

She really does understand,i mean how can she figured out what i wanted to hear,it easy to tease her but its a bit tricky to express my thoughts and feelings to her but she some how manage to understand it

When she said she loved the ring there was this weird kind of satisfaction inside me,i do wanted to know what she felt and whats with that staying there for few more days she really didnt mean that did she?,im sure she just said that to tease me i do miss seeing her face when i wake up


Zara POV

I was all set,as much as i knew him,im sure he is going to come pick me up today,it was just an inner feeling,some where i know he will

Just when i was thinking a voice interepted my though

"Zara!Zahan is here"hasim shouted from balcony which brought a huge smile on my face

I was not sure why i was this much excited was it cz im going back with zahan or was it cz my assumption was right but never the less and i quickly walked myself towards the main door and opened it

There he was standing looking both a bit shock and happy,seeing that look made me more happy

he then came in, hasim and dad greeted Zahan and were busy talking,whereas i moved into the kitchen to make them a cup of tea

I was bit nervous as this was the first i was making something for him

I calmed my nerves down avoided thinking about him and concentrated on making i was sure if keep thinking about him i might add salt instead of sugar which i definetly dont want

Zahan POV

How she knew i was going to come pick her up?,she was all dressed and ready and with the conversation i had with her and brother even they knew i was coming to get her,how she was so confident of me picking her up today,she really amuse me some time

when she came in with a tray full of snacks and tea my eyes were glued on her i quickly rolled over the other side when she signal me with eyes saying like stop staring at me dad and hashim are here

After snacks we talked for a while then left on way back home


While driving i notice she was wearing my ring and was playing candycrush,i smiled at her carefree behaviour,she dont do stuff to impress me nor she makes any effort may be which is what make her different from other girls

She suddently received a call which actually interepted her game in the middle for which she made an annoyed face and received it,she was simply listening and didnt talk back which made me think whose call it might be for like 10 mins she kept pressing some buttons and finally hanged the call

"So who was it?,i mean why didnt you talk back? "i couldnt help but ask impatiently

she chuckled "Its was costumer care,was blahbaring about some cool talktime offers and caller tunes"

"And you were hearing that?"i asked in amusement

"well they interepted my game in middle,so just for fun i connect line to speak to customer care and kept quite which annoyed him"she was enjoying that,it made me laugh

"So did you get this much annoyed when i interepted in your game this morning?"i asked teasingly

"Naah...with you its different"she answered still playing game when i looked at her suprise for what she said she immiediately recalled what she said and blush and avoided my eye contact,it is fun to be with her she sure knows how to make simple things looks funny and interesting


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