Chapter 25

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Zahan POV

Where could she be i couldnt see her anywhere,all kind of negative though started taking over me,my mind stopped working,suddenly i felt an arm grabbing my shoulder,i turned back to look,it was Zara,my heart was at ease seeing her safe and sound,she was smiling holding a piece of jewelry in each hand

"So which one do you like this or this?"she was looking at me then at jewelry

"What the hell is wrong with you?Are you out of your freaking mind?didnt i just tell you not to go far then how could you?how could you be so careless?didnt my words mean anything to you?are you that dumb to not know why i said that?you are in a new place Zara what if something happens to you?how could you just wonder like that?"i grabbed her by her shoulder and shouted at her loudly

"but..but..but"i stopped at before she could even complete

"but what you found some stupid jewelry attractive and just though to go and check it out yourself didnt you?come on Zara,now matter how much you show yourself strong and all at the end you are a GIRL damnit,i was worried sick for you and you here are asking which piece of jewelry to choose as if like nothing happen SERIOUSLY"i was shouting at her in the middle of a street grabbing everyones attention on us,tears started rolling over her eyes

"Now come on enough of your shopping"i grabbed her arm and dragged her with me

On our whole journey back there was silent,i could see she was still crying its then it hit me how badly i scolded her that too infront of those people,it was the first time i scolded her,i started feeling guilty for my behaviour

As we reached our chalet,Zara silenty opened the car door,walked her way toward the main door and waited for me to unlock it,i then unlocked and looked at her watery eyes

"Zara..i"before i could finish she went inside with out bothering to wait for me,she went inside shut the room door i silently sat on couch regretting what i have done

First i didnt let her explain and second i was shouting at her in the middle of a street,i didnt know how to make it up to her

After finishing my isha prayer i decided to face her and apologies,i then opened the door to see her sleeping on her prayer mat itself,her cheeks we still wet which mean she had been crying,i slowly grabbed her and laid her on bed,she immediately adjusted herself hugged me still on her sleep,i felt little peace inside after she hugged though in sleep but she still wanted me as i was her habit just like she was becoming mine,the only though of losing her that time made me lost control


I wokeup by alarm sound and found her standing near the window looking outside

"Asalamuasalikum,you awake already,finished your fajar prayer?"she nodded,immeditely i made wadhu and prayed,usually i was one to wake her up for fajar prayer,she was reading quran longer than normally she does,it was like she was avoiding talking to me

"let me know when you are done,vl go and have breakfast"she nodded

We went had our breakfast,she was quite all the time

"Zara,im sorry for yesterday,i know i over reacted,its just the thought of losing you,made me panicked"i finally decided to talk cz i was not able to bear her silence anymore

"Thats okay,i understand"were her only words,its was not like she was angry on me,she obeyed me she was there with me but she was just not her,she was stopping herself to be herself with me and it was even worse

"So where do you like to go today?"i asked trying my best to make it up

"I dont know,i feel tired today my head hurts,cant we just rest today?"she sounded dull and so not interested

"Sure"and here my plan failed

The whole day she was either playing candy crush or reading magazine or looking ouside and i on the other hand pushed myselc on office work

it felt worse to be around her but still not with her

Assalamualaikum guys,as much as i hate to dissapoint you it feels like im left with no other choice,il be busy for the next couple of days so i dont think i can update that much but whenever i get time il sure try,so till then Take Care....

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