Chapter 48

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Zara POV

This paris trip was definetely on my best memories list,though it was just for three days i enjoyed every bit of it,it was an amazing experience,i made sure to write down every moment of it in my diary not wanting to miss even a single moment,a smile escaping my lips everytime i recalls those events..

To say i got to see the new side of Zahan wouldnt suprise me much as to say i figured out my new side as well,ever since i had heard Hajira Aunty's opinion about me for her son it did just not hurted me, i believed her words which was affecting my relationship and i didnt know how to make it work but after knowing i was his choice i felt my heart at ease,,a joy inside me,i didnt had the pressure in me anymore,each and every part of me was dancing in excitement though i made sure not to let Zahan know about this he seemed to a keen observer.

Last day in Paris was a memorable little i did i know my husband has a thing for Musuem i on the other hand was least interested i such stuff he finally had to bribe me by giving his words he would accompy me in my shopping remembring the incident from Switzerland which spoiled my trip to be exact i was very sure not repeating them i made sure he gave me his words before we head for musuem mentally calculating the time needed for my shopping and to do other stuffs we decided we would visit two or three musuem with Paris being famous for its Musuem i let Zahan pick one among those three.

We were standing in front of the world famous Museum Louvre,It contains some of the most famous pieces in the world including the Venus di Milo, Mona Lisa, Winged Victory of Samothrace and the best collection of Greek, Roman, and Egyptian antiquities, andpaintings from the middle ages to be found under one roof.Unless someone are a gifted athlete with a photographic memory that enables them to take in a piece of art in three seconds, don't even try to see the whole museum in one day was the first thing my mind said. Zahan Made a mental list of the works he wanted to see and find them on the map.The entrance was through the glass pyramid in the Cour Napoleon which anyone who has read TheDiVinci Code will be familiar with. Beneath the Pyramid is the Hall Napoleon, a 700 foot cavern which holds the ticket office, the excellent book store and the entranceways to all the exhibit areas. There are other bookstores in the differentsections of the museum. Zahan was sure to pick up a map at the information desk he said we will need it as i was not much of a art lover my whole interest was on the infrastructure there were guides helping us know things better but most of the things he said passed above my head where as Zahan was listening to him as if the guide was narrating a story's climax,this side of his was something i expected the least.

After spending hours in the Musuem i was now standing all geared up with Zahan for the free fall tunnel experience a free-fall wind tunnel adventure activity is one of the most popular adventure activities in Paris. If one has to experience jumping out of an airplane, but don't want the risk of ruining their dream vacation, a free fall wind tunnel is the best thing to experience in Paris was what i heard. At Aerokart wind tunnel there were 12 seriously boasting powerful engines that generate over 155-mph winds beneath a person, this is the largest and most powerful wind tunnel in the world and the two-and-a-half-minute suspension that simulates jumping out of an airplane from 12,000 feet three times which is equivalent to jumping from the top of more than 33 Eiffel Towers stacked on top of each other!for some reason i was falling in love heights now Zahan finds it funny how i enjoy screaming over all it was a wondering experience

Now it was finally time for my shopping Paris is know for its fashion, i made sure to buy stuff for everyone who crossed my mind Zahan on the other side wanted this part to be done as soon as it could why cant men understand it take us time to find what we like just cause he can finish his shopping in minutes doesnt mean everyone will.

After finishing my shopping i saw Zahan walking toward me with a shopping bag before i could ask he told me its was something he wanted to buy for me, later when we reached apartment i opened it only to find myself with clothes with were something i could wear only in front of my husband,clearly my cheeks were no less than a color of a tomato,Zahan noticing my reaction felt like asking me did i like it,when im i going to wear it,this man i tell you clearly knows how to add cherry on top in every situation..

Recalling all those incidents made me feel like im living those moments all over again,i was about to my way to the washroom when i received a call from Hashim

"Asalamualaikum,How are you Hashi?

"Walaikumasalam,im going good Alahamdulliah what about you?where are you these days?i called you last week no reply?"

"I was in Paris with Zahan"

"Ohh...seems like Zahan is treating you well"brother had to pull your leg no matter what

"Yes he does,im sure you will too when your time comes and that time i will be the one pulling your leg"

"Im sure you will"

"So tell me how is things going?all good?"

"you can say that!and yes i have some good news for you"


"Zara!Im coming Home next month"

"Really?How come?dad know about this?im i the last one to know about this?"

"Relax little sister,no dad doesnt know yet you are the first one knowing about this"

"Thats great,i bought something for you in Paris,cant wait to see you Hashi"he laughed at my excitement

"See you soon Zara"

"Yup see you soon"

Though i didnt ask him about his sudden plan to visit,my mind wanted to believe it has something to do with his Marriage plan he might have changed his mind and wanted to settle down in life to add dad wasnt doing well either he gets sick quite often for its not his health but the loneliness that was bothering dad from inside which was affecting his health in one way or other no matter how much i try visiting him now and then was not as useful as staying with him would be,coming home finding the house empty was not gona make a person feel good,Hajira aunty didnt said much but she was not comfortable me staying away from house for long as Dadu was not feeling she wanted me to pay attention on both side equally


"So you are saying you made this site all by yourself?"Zahan asked as he went through my jewelry site i had created

"Not really i had a little help here and there with domain part,so what do you think"remembering how Khisar helped me designing it

"I didnt knew my wife have such talents"

"Well your wife is hidden gem waiting to be discovered"

"Is she?"he teased,when i gave him a threatning look

"Yes yes indeed she is,im glad i found her before anyone else does"

"Lets just say you were lucky"now i was enjoying teasing him

"What about my wife isnt she lucky to find?"

"May be and may be not"

"Hey whats with the doubt?"he protested making me laugh

"So you want to hear how lucky im to have you"

"I would say yes"he demanded

"Then here it goes!I really im lucky to have you in my life,i couldnt have asked for a better husband,you are the best way Allah chose to my prayers

"If im not wrong this might be the first time you are confessing your feelings for me"he said hugging making me rest in his chest

"Want me to confess one more thing?"

"umm hmm"

"till now i had lose many things in life but losing my phone to you was the best thing i did so far"this made him chuckle at my statement,indeed never did i thought back than the thing that worried me will be the reason for my life to change for better..


Im sorry i really was not feeling well..when you are sick your mind get all soon as i felt little better i decided to update..

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