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Dear old friend,

Today i found out about your death. tears had streamed down my face. My parents called me upstairs while I was working on math. My dad had told me. I started to cry but stopped myself. I didn't wanna show weakness. I know i would get hell about that from my mom later. I then when down to my room after dinner. I barely ate a thing tonight. But as soon as I closed my door, I broke down. My boyfriend wanted to talk to me over Skype. I picked myself up again as well as i could after 5 minutes of crying, and called him. He could tell something was wrong and asked me what was wrong. I broke down again. I kept telling him I was sorry for crying. I wouldn't stop. He was attempting to comfort me, but I couldn't be comforted. I picked up myself after a few minutes and got myself into place. I then told him about you, I had tears streaming down my face the whole time. I was still in shock. I cant get my mind wrapped around this.

My old friend, you couldn't have passed away. I don't wanna believe that your gone. You cant be. You -just cant. You still have many more color-filled days left in you. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. I should've been there my friend. I miss you. Please come back. Please. I'm desperate. I miss you. Why did this happen? Please come back.

Dear old friendWhere stories live. Discover now