April 16th

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Dear Old Friend, 

I know its been awhile. I've just been so busy. I'm now getting more B's then ever in school. It's been harder for me to concentrate. Then the weight of everything has been dragging me down. I haven't been as happy lately. It's just I want you back. But, Norm is down with some of your kids also. They are becoming more of a family then mine is to me right now. Sad, isn't it? Also Norm gave me two of your old instruments. I was extremely surprised. A alto saxophone and a clarinet. I'm excited to play them, but, there's a part of me afraid to play them. Maybe its just the thought that they were yours. I'll play the Sax in our jazz band. Its right before my concert also. So, that's good. Right? I miss you more then ever. I'm sorry. 

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