June 11.

4 1 0

Dear Old Friend,
Its been a week from hell... Ive faked a smile all week. At the FFA state convention, I faked that smile of mine and pretended I was okay. I faked that laugh and made it believable. Everyone thinks im okay, but im not... Im trying so hard to stay strong right now and to keep myself alive... Ever since you, ive been more suicidal then ever. Then it doesnt help, that i caused this fight with dason. Im desperatly trying to save it, but hes ignoring me. Hes the only one it seems like whos been keeping me alive these past few months. The only times i accually didnt have to fake that smile was around him. What do i do? I need you more then ever. I need you. Please. Please. Im on the edge. What am i joking? No one wants me. Maybe i should? I dont know. Please forgive me. Sorry. Please. Please.

Dear old friendWhere stories live. Discover now