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Kate's p.o.v.

It's been a month since Freya's birthday party, since the day Olly told me he had feelings for me. I hadn't told Steve what had happened but to be honest we have been arguing a bit lately. Ive had text after text from Olly saying we need to talk and that he meant what he said but I have ignored them all. I don't understand why he has these feelings for me if I'm being honest I've never tried to be anything other than his friend. Freya keeps asking for him lately and I keep telling her that he is on holiday, I don't really know what to say to her. I miss him though, I hate not seeing him he has become my best friend and I haven't spoken to him in what feels like forever.

"Mum, Steve's going to be here soon" I shouted upstairs to mum who was still in bed. Steve wanted to take me out today he said it would be good to get out to the country side for a few hours, I don't know why. At 10.30 Steve knocked on the door "Morning, are you ready" he asked after giving me a kiss "Yes I am". We got in the car and left, it took about twenty minuets to get to the pub we were going to for lunch. We had a lovely lunch and everything between Steve and I felt normal, there was nothing to argue about but in the back of my mind Olly's words still lingered 'I have feelings for you' and they haunted me. I hadn't told anyone what he had said not even mum. After lunch Steve and I went for a walk over the fields near the pub and we soon got to a little river where there was a hamper basket with a bottle of wine and two glasses. "Look at the view, it's so pretty here" I said to him smiling as he poured the wine. I took a few sips and he had his arm wrapped around me. He spun me around and kissed me and do you know what that kiss was to be our very last kiss. He looked me in the eye and said "Kate you mean the world to me, I know the last few weeks hasn't been great between us but I still love you more than anything. I wanted to know if you would marry me" I looked at him and I didn't know what to say, I had frozen "Well, what do you say" he said "I,I don't know' I need some time to think".

I got in Steve had dropped me home, I still hadn't given him an answer and the car journey was horrid neither of us spoke. "Are you ok, you don't look yourself" mum asked me as I sat with a cup of tea. "Mum can I have you opinion on something please"

"Yes darling, what's up" she asked me in a caring voice

"Steve asked me to marry him today"

"Wow, congratulations" she gushed giving me a hug

"No mum I haven't given him an answer yet" I pushed her away

"Why not sweetheart"

"Because I don't know if he is what I want"

"What do you mean, you two are good together and he Is good with Freya what more could you ask for" she said to me as if I was stupid.

"I want great mum, I don't want him to be good with Freya and I don't want our relationship to be good I need it to be great"

"So you want Steve to be more like Olly with her because he is great with Freya" mum said and Olly's words were back to haunt me again.

"Talking of him" I said

"Of who, Olly. I've not seen him since Freya's party"

"And there is a reason for that mum. He told me he had feelings for me and he kissed me, it's left me a little confused"

"Do you have feelings for him" she asked me in that caring voice again

"He is my best friend, I trust him and Freya loves him"

"But do you have feelings for him Katie" she asked again

"I don't know, there is just to much going on in my head right now"

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