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Kate's p.o.v.

We pulled up outside my house and got out of the car, I had left Amelia at the hospital with Freya for an hour or so because I needed to get some bits. As we walked into the house there was an odd feeling one I had felt before when I first went back to the flat Nick and I lived in, emptiness. I shuddered "Are you ok" Olly asked me "Yer it's just strange being here knowing mum won't be coming back" a tear rolled down my face and Olly wiped it away with his thumb and then hugged me. It was strange the whole house was how I had left it before I went out yesterday, it felt a lot longer than that if I'm being honest. I went into the my bedroom and got changed into a pair of jeans and a jumper, I shoved my hair up and packed an over night bag for both myself and Amelia. I then walked into Freya's room and picked up a few bits for her for when she woke up, I didn't want her to wake up and not have anything of hers there.

I went into mums room, I don't know why I just felt like I needed to. I picked up a scarf she would always wear and sniffed it, it smelt of her and I smiled. As I turned around I saw a photo on her bed so I looked at it, it was a picture of Olly and I from years and years ago and we looked lost in each other. This must of been what she meant when she said 'Its Olly, it always has been' to me just before she died. I turned around and saw Olly standing in the doorway "Look at this" I showed him the picture "Thats so old Kate, where was that" he laughed "It was on the bed, mum must have been looking at old photos yesterday" . We spent some time at mine and Olly made us both a sandwich, I couldn't eat much of it I couldn't stomach any thing.

We got back to the hospital and the doctor came rushing over to us "Kate, Olly we are going to wake Freya in about an hour. She has shown impressive signs of improvement over the last few hours, were glad both mum and dad will be here when she wakes up" Olly sighed "Im not her..." I stopped him and the doctor walked away. We went into Freya's room and stood by the bed. Amelia went out to get some air and I sorted out some of the bits I had brought in for Freya. "Why didn't you let me finish telling the doctor I want her dad" Olly asked me "Because you are the closet thing she has to a dad, Freya loves you so much and I heard you last night Olly" I said to him "Heard what" "I heard you saying to her 'I love you princess, you have to get better' and I know she loves you back" . I was feeling a lot better now and my head was clearer than it was a few hours ago.

At about 5pm the doctor came in "We are going to wake her now, she will be groggy at first and we may need to put her back to sleep. Don't panic if we do its quite common". We stood back and let the doctors do what they needed to do and then we went and stood next to the bed. Slowly Freya opened her eyes "Hello beautiful girl" I said to her with a massive smile on my face, she was groggy and didn't reply with word but she had a small smile on her face. She looked around and her eyes met with Olly's who was standing behind me and a bigger smile creeped across her face. I held her hand and said "Mummy is hear for you" Olly lent forward and kissed my cheek "She is going to be fine" he reassured me. The doctor wanted to run some tests on her to make sure her brain was functioning as it should and that she had movement in her whole body. Amelia, Olly and I went down to the little cafe to get something to eat.

We went back to the room an hour later as we had been told to do and the doctor was still in the room. Freya was sitting up in the bed "Mummy" she said as I walked over to her and gave her a kiss "You gave mummy a scare" I said smiling at her. The doctor told us that all of her tests had come back fine and that she was a very lucky girl. I knew mum and Nick had been watching over her. "How long until she can come home" Olly asked the doctor "Well as far as I can see there is no reason for her not to go home tomorrow".

Olly's p.o.v.

Kate was over the moon that Freya was Ok and that she could be coming home tomorrow. Freya wanted to be at home in her own bed. I popped out I needed to do some bits and I wanted to get Freya a special present, something I know she has wanted for a while. I snuck Kate's keys out of her pocket as I needed this for what I was doing. "I have to go for a while, if you need me call me" I said kissing Kate's check and then Freya's head "Bye Olly" they both said together. I went into town and got what I needed and then took it back to the house. I had been gone for three hours by the time I had got back to the hospital "You were gone forever" Kate said "But I was sorting something out for this little princess" I smiled as I gave her the keys "Why do you have my keys" she quizzed me "I needed them" is all I would tell her.

Kate's p.o.v.

Freya's coming home today and she can't wait to get home and neither can we. I asked Olly to stay at our house tonight I didn't want to be on my own once the kids had gone to bed. The doctor came in with the discharge papers for Freya which I signed. I had brought the doctors and nurses a box of chocolates and a card to say thank you for all they had done so we gave them to the doctor. Olly lifted Freya out to the car and I held all of the bags.

We pulled up to the house and Olly got Freya out of the car and I helped Amelia out before opening the front door. We got in and Olly made a drink for us all whist I sat on the sofa cuddling up to Freya. I saw Olly watching us from the kitchen and I gave him a smile "You look really tired" he said to me "I am" I laughed. I cooked us all some dinner and then got Freya bathed. Whilst she was in the bath I noticed loads of little cuts on her legs from the accident and I felt so thankful that this was all that was wrong with her. After the bath I brushed Freya's hair and read her a story on the sofa before I took her through to bed. We went into Freyas room and saw a beautiful princess bed with a pretty canopy, Freya loved it she was so excited as she had wanted it for a while. Once she calmed down I curled up on the bed next to her until she fell asleep. I went back down stairs and noticed that Olly was on his own "Where is Amelia" I asked him looking around "She took herself to bed she said to say night". I went and knocked on her bed room door which was just across the hallway to the living room, she liked having her bedroom downstairs. I heard her say "Come in" I opened the door and saw her standing there in a dress "Thats a nice dress" I told her "I'm choosing something to wear for mums funeral" she said "We haven't made any arrangements yet" and she just shrugged at me "I did want to know if you would help with the arrangements though" she smiled and nodded "I'll leave you alone now, I love you though and I meant what I said the other day I will look after you" she smiled and said "I know you will". I left her alone and went into the living room where Olly was spooled out over the sofa "Move you" I laughed and he said "Nope" "I'll sit on you then" and I did "Get up Kate" he said struggling to sit up" "Nope" I said smugly "Ok I'm sorry ill get up". He sat up and I sat next o him leaning on his shoulder, he flicked through the stations on the tele and a car crash scene flashed across the screen. Olly looked at me as he turned it over "Sorry" "It's ok" I smiled at him" we sat there for the rest of the night on the sofa not saying much to each other but in a way it felt like we were telling each other everything.

At 11.30 we decided it was time to go to bed, I had told Olly that he could stay in my room with me. I trusted him not to try it on with me he has really proven himself as a friend these last few days. Olly got us both some water and I went to cheek on Freya, I was standing in the door way of her room just staring at her for a while. Olly came up behind me and put his arms around me "I could have lost her you know" I said to him "I know but you didn't" he kissed my cheek. We went into my bedroom and Olly had already been in and put the water down "So this is where the magic happens" he mocked what I had said to him all of those months ago when we stayed at his "If only" I grinned at him. I got changed into some pyjamas and dived into bed "It's nice to be in my own bed" I said as Olly climbed in the other side. We both laid there staring at the ceiling talking about random things like the time we both got kicked out of a pub for no reason and how my dad would never let any boys in my house but my mum welcomed them in as soon as my dad went to work. My dad had died a few years ago whilst I lived in York he had Cancer and he died quickly, I missed him a lot. I felt cold and I was shivering "Are you cold" Olly whispered "A little bit" I whispered back "Come here" I shuffled over to him and he laid next to me hugging me with his head on my shoulder, within minuets I was asleep.

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