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Olly's p.o.v.

I got out of my car and knock on Kate's front door, she ended it and told me to come in. She got me a beer from the fridge and sat on the sofa taking a sip of her wine. I looks around and couldn't see Or hear Freya "What have you done with the cheeky monkey" I asked her "She is staying over at a friends house, I thought it might be better if she wasn't here tonight" she smiled at me. I know that Freya had never stayed away from Kate before and it was odd her not being here. We talked a it about random stuff and then she said "So what is going on with us" "Straight to the question then" I laughed, I took her hand in mine "Kate you are my best friend, I don't know if I can handle loosing you" I stopped and she moved closer to me "Do you still have feelings for me" she asked "Yes more now than when I told you before and I know you have feelings for me" "Why do you think that" she said as if she didn't "I heard you when you came to bed last night 'Why am I falling for you' were your words". Kate just looked at me as if she didn't know what to say so I carried on "I think you have had feelings for me since you saw me at the party and I think you love me" "What makes you say that" she asked "After the party you wanted to see me to catch up and when your mum couldn't have Freya you brought her with you, that's how much you wanted to see me. Then there was the time you told me to cool things off with Lauren because she had feelings for me, you let me collect Freya from nursery, you asked me to look after Freya so you could go on a date and then after your date you cuddled up on the sofa with me. Then there's the fact you couldn't get engaged to Steve because he wasn't me, yep I heard about that. You needed help after the crash and I was the only person you turned to. I spend every free evening I have here with you because you love having me around, I stay in you bed hugging you and are happy for me to do it. You kissed me back and you are completely jealous that I slept with someone else in Manchester" she didn't look to happy that I had said all of that to her but she has to know "Ok I wanted to see you after the party because we are friends and I hadn't seen you for ages, I felt like we needed a catch up oh and it was you that wanted me to bring Freya. I told you to cool things off with lauren because you didn't want her to fall in love with you not because I had feelings for you. You collect Freya from nursery because I trust her with you and she loves you. You babysat for me because mum was away and if I liked you that way I would have been on a date with you, I stayed on the sofa because Freya was on the sofa not because you were there. I couldn't marry Steve because he wasn't the right man for me and that doesn't mean you are. Yes I needed you after the crash but Olly my mum died and I had two kids to look after yes you helped and I am thankful for that and yes I did get jealous that you slept with someone else because right now in jealous of anyone with a sex life. I do have feelings for you but I'm not in love with you like you think I am". I got up and went to walk out "Where are you going" she said "Home, I'm done with this shit Kate. You know what your as bad as everyone else" I said opening the door and walking out.

Kate's p.o.v.

I couldn't believe it Olly had given up on me again and this time I don't think we will make up. I was kind of mad at him and needed to get my anger out, I brought up the email from Nicks parents and replied to it.

* Colin and Amanda

I took a while reading your email and I'm sorry it's not good enough. You both gave up on Freya and the day you told me you couldn't see her because it was to painful for you killed me. You know what you never asked once in your email if she was alright and it's shameful that it took you over a year to get in contact, yes I changed my number but you have always known my email address. Why did it take so long to email me. Freya was in a car accident a few months ago and she was in a coma. The car crash was on Nicks second anniversary of his death and I had to go through that on my own, my mum died in the crash as well. It's been the hardest couple of months but the hardest part about it all is that Freya has no grandparents anymore as the only ones she would of had tried to buy her mum off. You will never see either Freya or myself again and you have to live with the fact you did that to yourself.

P.s Never try to contact me again!*

I sent the email to them and then sent Olly a text *You had better not give up on Freya the way you have given up on me*

The next week was pretty busy, we had an offer on mums house and accepted it. Amelia and I sat down and talked about where we would like to move to. We spent ages talking about staying at home and then she said "Why don't we move away have a fresh start, theres not much here for us here now is there" I thought about what she said and she was right there isn't anything really keeping us here Amelia has finished school here, Freya is only at nursery and my business can be done from anywhere. We agreed that abroad was best a fresh start would do us all good. We looked into lots of different places and settled on New York and mums house sold for enough for us to do it. There was nothing holding us back.

Olly's p.o.v.

It is Christmas Day and I'm spending some time with my family. I haven't seen Kate since we fell out and I hadn't seen Freya, I hated that I hadn't seen Freya. I had got Freya a Christmas present so I decided that I would ate it round to her a bit later. For now I was just going to enjoy spending some much needed quality I me with my family. I have been reminded today why I love being around my family at Christmas.

At 6pm I went over to Kate's to I've Freya her Christmas present, I didn't tell her I was coming over. I knocked on the door and Amelia opened it "Merry Christmas" I said as I walked in. Kate turned around and when she saw me she turned away, "I have a present for a very special little princess"I said to Freya who had got up and ran to me for a hug. Freya opened her present and then went of with Amelia to play with it. I looked at Kate "How are you" I asked, she got up and walked into the kitchen "Im fine, you didn't need to get her a present" "You told me not to give up on her and I'm not going to" she gave me a little smile. "So anything new with you" I asked her "Well the house sold" she said sounding excited "Wow that's great news, so your looking for somewhere to live then", Kate's eyes darted around the room before fixing on me "I have to tell you something, we are all moving away next month the sale is being rushed through" "Where are you moving to" I asked "New York, everything is arranged" she told me and it seemed like my heart stopped "But what about Freya, I won't ever see her. You know how much I love spending time with her" I said almost crying "Im sorry Olly it's just the way it is, we all want a fresh start" she said walking away from me, I lent forward and grabbed her arm and pulled her close to me "Why can't you have a fresh start with me" I asked her with a bit of hope in my voice "It's not that easy Olly, it would never work". I couldn't believe what I was hearing she had completely given up on me and our friendship. I went and said bye to the girls unsure if I would see them again and then went to give Kate a hug. I looked at her before I left and she had a tear in her eye "I will always love you and if you need anything I will be there you just have to ask" I said almost welling up. I left Kate's but I couldn't face going home it felt like I had lost a massive part of my life, Kate and I had been through so much over the last year and I hate that I seem to have lost control of it all.

I went home eventually and mum knew that I was upset about something "Whats the matter Olly, you seem down this evening and its Christmas" she said to me giving me a hug "Kate has told me she is moving away soon and I'm just going to miss them all". I hadn't told mum that I had feelings for Kate even though they have known each other for a years "You will see them still, where are they moving to" "New York" I exclaimed. Mum gave me a bigger cuddle and then left me alone. I couldn't stop thinking about not seeing the little girl I adored so much, every time I see Freya her face lights up and so does mine. How am I meant to not see them, I already miss them but Kate wants nothing to do with me now.

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