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Kate's p.o.v.

I had got on with my life in the last month, my business has gone from strength to strength and it is bringing in a lot of money. I had brought myself a new car and was even looking at new place to live. Freya has been making lots of new friends at nursery and I've been out a few times with some of the parents from nursery. I hadn't heard anything from Olly for a month in fact since the day I split up with Steve. I didn't know if I should be happy about that or sad but I couldn't change what had happened now.

I had been invited out for drinks with some of the mums from Freya's nursery tonight. I had decided to go but I wasn't going to stay for long as its the second anniversary of Nicks death today, Nick wouldn't of wanted me to sit around and be upset so I wasn't going to. Mum was going to take Amelia and Freya out bowling and for dinner and Freya couldn't wait. She reminded me a lot during the day that the only other time she had been bowling was with Olly and myself, she still talked about him a lot. "Right you be good for nanny and stay with her" "I will mummy" she said smiling sweetly "I love you" I held her tight and a tear rolled down my face as I thought of Nick. I stood up and wiped the tear away from my eye "Enjoy your night" mum said as they left. I got ready to meet the girls in town, I wore a black chiffon dress that had long selves and a pair of red heals. I met the girls in town and we had a couple of drinks, before I knew it I had forgotten all about what the date was and I was really enjoying myself. We moved on to a club and we hit the dance floor I had stopped drinking by this point but was feeling tipsy. The next song that came on was 'Dance with me tonight' I walked to the bar and ordered a coke. I couldn't bring myself to dance to the song, I don't think any of the girls noticed. I went outside with Jenny one of the other mums and checked my phone 12.45 "Im just going to call mum she was meant to call me when she got home" I said to Jenny. The phone rang and rang no answer "She must have fallen asleep" I laughed, I know how much Freya wears her out.

I left to get a cab home at 1.30am and I checked my phone again and saw I had a few missed calls from a number I didn't know and as I put my phone in my bag it rang again "Hello" I said

"Hello is this Kate" I heard a male voice say

"I'm Dr Carter, I have been asked to call you by your sister. I'm sorry your mum, sister and daughter have been in a car accident. I'm afraid I can't tell you anything else until you arrive"

"I'll be straight there" I kept calm, I've had this call before with Nick and I know panicking only makes things worse.

I jumped in a cab and headed straight for the hospital. I ran I to the reception area and asked where they were. The receptionist called for the doctor and he came down about five minuets later. He took me to the ward they were on, I saw Amelia she had broken her Arm. I ran up to her and she cried "Mums not well Kate" she cried at me. I looked at the doctor and he said "Your mum is in a critical condition we aren't sure weather she will make it through the night" I froze for a second "What about My daughter" I asked ignoring what he had just said I couldn't let that news sink in "Im afraid she has had to be put into a medically induced coma as she has a head injury and this will help her recovery" "Will she be alright, please tell me she will be alright" I pleaded with him I couldn't have her die on me, she is my world. He just said he wouldn't know anything until she woke up.

I decided to see mum first as Freya was in the coma. As I walked into the room there was all different machines hooked up and what the doctor had said hit me, I was scared. "What if she dies" I said to myself but Amelia heard "She won't, she can't" she said grabbing my hand "You heard the doctor Amelia, they don't think she will make the night". I still hadn't cried I think I was in shook. I asked Amelia what had happened and she told me that a car skipped the lights on the way home from dinner and went straight into the side of their car some how making the car flip. I pulled her close to me she was shaking "It's not your fault" I reassured her. Amelia asked to borrow my phone so she could let her friend know what had happened. As she left the room I saw mum move "Im here mum" she briefly opened her eyes and said "It's Olly, it always has been" she closed her eyes "Mum" I said loudly "I love you" she said opening her eyes one last time. The machines started beeping and a team of people rushed in and they took me out. They seemed to be in the room for ages I stood outside with Amelia hugging into me so she couldn't see what they were doing to mum. I saw them talking and then they walked away from the bed all except for one who straightened her covers . The doctor came out "Im so sorry your mother had some serious injuries, I'm afraid we have done all we can do and she has passed away" "No, no, no" I screamed I had some tears rolling down my face but had to stay strong for Amelia. We stood outside for a few minuets whist the nurse finished what she was doing. The nurse came out and said that we could go in, we walked in hand in hand and stood next to the bed. Amelia said "Even though I didn't have you for long you have been the best mum ever, I love you and I will miss you" she lent over and kissed her cheek. I held onto Amelia's hand as she stood back up and then I said "Mum you need to look over us because I'm going to look after Amelia for you now but I need your help still ok, tell Nick up there that we love him as well. We love you so much watch over Freya for me until she is better I know you make her feel better." I hugged mum and kissed her cheek, and then we stood together for a while. I went to see Freya a short time later she looked peaceful there by herself, but she had pipes and machines all over the place as well.

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