Perry by @xhelloworld

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Hey! This is an interview with an amazing author, and with her strory, Perry, I think she will become well known! I am sure!

It is a very unique story about a boy and girl looking after a cat named Perry.  Here is the blurb:

When Allie and West end up being partners for a summer assignment they never imagined that things would end the way they did. They are instructed to take care of a cat, name it, take pictures as proof of them spending time together, and come back next year with a healthy cat. Who would have thought taking care of a cat could be so interesting?

This book is a very good read and is nothing like any other book I have read beofre on this site!


Q. What made you come up with the story idea for Perry? I take it that you are a big fan of cats?

A. Most of my story ideas come from pictures, and Perry was no exception. I saw the picture in the cover and thought 'I need to use this in a cover, it's too cute not to', and the story just kind of came to me after that. And yeah, I guess you could say I'm a cat person.

Q. What can people expect from your book Perry? It is a wry unique idea.

A. What I want to do with it is just write a love story, with no complicated pasts or weird things going on. Just a plain, simple love story.

Q. With only several chapters posted it has a good following so far! With over 1000 votes already I am sure it will be a hit!

A. I know! I'm so happy about it! I didn't think it would be that popular, but I am thankful for all the support from my followers. I truly adore them and their lovely feedback.

Q.  Do you have a cat that looks like Perry? And have you seen Marley and Me?

A. At the moment I find myself pet-less. That's the only way to say it. I have watched the movie but I didn't really like it. I know, I know, it's supposed to be sad and stuff, but it just doesn't get to me.

Q. Would you ever plan on writing a sequel? Or what other stores have you got planned?

A. I don't think think a sequel will ever be needed for Perry. It is a simple story, and writing a sequel would just be me ruining the whole thing. And as for other stories... well, I'm currently writing a short story that I'm really excited about, and also there's Wild Things so yeah, you could say I have some writing to do.


Q. Ben & Jerry's ice cream or Häagen-dasz?

A. I'm gonna have to go with Ben & Jerry's

Q. Movies or books?

A. This is a hard one! How am I supposed to answer this? Both, I guess?

Q. The city or the country?

A. Country, I think, but a night in the city once a month wouldn't hurt me. I would need to buy food, and new books obviously.

Q. Dream holiday destination?

A. It would have to be New York or London, because I think they're some very interesting cities I wouldn't mind exploring.

Q. Favourite author?

A. J. K. Rowling, but John Green comes a very close second.

My next interview is with @ELatimer

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