Tame by @EmilyTheReader

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So, this is my new interview with the wonderful and amazing @EmilyTheReader who wrote Tame. You guys should check it out as it is amazing, and worth your time reading! Seriously!

Here is the blurb:

Farrah Chambers: She's the good girl, a bit embarrassing, friendly, an animal lover, and clumsy. She's a bit sarcastic when she needs to be, but no one really bothers her. Her life, is good. Cameron Carter: He's the bad boy. He's wild, popular, good-looking, great with girls, and he's a total untamed bad-ass. He's the school's 'popular boy' and loves to embarrass people. No one dares bother him though- his life is good too. Farrah Chambers and Cameron Carter. These two have had run-ins and bump-into's every since they met. Life for them both suddenly gets a bit more embarrassing, a lot more crazy and shakes itself into confusion and questions. But there's one big question- can Farrah tame this bad boy? Will she even get the chance?


Q. What was the inspiration for your story Tame? Does the story have any relevance to your life ad have you put any of your real life situations in the book?

A. I wanted to write a good girl-bad boy story. I'd had loads of different ideas but I didn't like any of them. I was going to try and make it realistic, and a bit funny, rather than serious and soppy. I was listening to 'Animal' by Conor Maynard, and the idea just popped into my head! The characters slowly started to form out of no where. I didn't put any real life situations in the book as such, but I used to go to a friend's house to do homework together, and her Mum would offer us endless amounts of food, just like Jason and Farrah, when Farrah first goes to Jason's house.

Q. Tame is your first story, how do you feel about how popular it has gotten? You should be proud!

A. I'm very proud! I honestly never thought it would be popular. I just thought I'd end up taking it down, just like all my other stories. But my lovely readers kept me writing- thank you guys!

Q. Will you write a new book in the near future? A Tame sequel?

A. I've got lots of ideas, so hopefully I will have a new book out by early next year! But not a sequel to Tame.

Q. Would you react the same way Farrah did if you were in her situation? And so you know anyone who acts like Cameron? Or did you just make the characters up from your imagination?

A. I don't know anyone who acts like Cameron. (Sadly!) Like I said before, the characters kind of just formed out of no where. If I was in Farrah's situation, I'd probably be a lot more shy, and a lot less rude. But crazy characters are fun to create!


Q. Your favourite ice cream flavour?

A. Mint, unless it's Ben & Jerry's ice cream, in which case it's caramel chew chew.

Q. If you had to date either a werewolf or vampire, which one would you choose and why? Haha

A. A werewolf. Despite the transformation at the full moon, I just think werewolves are a little more human, with that supernatural edge. I've always loved werewolves since I was little!

Q. Your favourite book to read over and over?

A. That's a hard one. I don't have one particular one, I don't think. On Wattpad, it would be any of the ones on my profile, outside, it would be the Harry Potter series.

Q. If you were given $100,000, what would you do with the money?

A. Well, I'd give some of it to charity, I want to help out with helping make this planet a little more equal. I think I'd use some of it to buy a house, and save the rest for a rainy day :)

Q. If you had one wish, what would it be?

A. It sounds cheesy, but world peace. Wars and whatnot scare me, and I don't think it's right that so many people are dying fighting over a bit of land or something.

Is advise you to check out Tame and follow this awesomely talented author! :)

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