Project Fat Suit by @not_present

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Hey! So this is another interview with the amazing @not_present who wrote the, ever growingly popular, book called Project Fat Suit. It is a very unique book with many humorous scenes.

Here's the blurb:

Serena Davidson leads two lives. At school, she's a morbidly obese, stupid, nerdy, bitchy, slutty, and a teacher's pet. But at home she's the scrawny vegetarian pushover. What would possess someone to wear a fat suit every day? And what happens when someone finds out?


Q. What made you write Project Fat Suit? It is a very unique book idea on Wattpad!

A. I was never really planning to post any book whatsoever on this site, hence the name 'not_present', but then someone (StupidandProud) randomly fanned me and encouraged me to post a story. I wanted to make something that was slightly less cliche, and thus Project Fat Suit was born.

Q. How amazing it is to see your book doing so well? Over 100K votes now! Did the success and popularity if the story happen gradually?

A. It amazing knowing that so many people reading something that I thought of. And yeah, I know! It's crazy. I've been writing PFS for about two years now, so yeah it happened really slowly.

Q. Would you ever consider writing a sequel to PFS? What else age you got up your sleeve? Any new stories planned?

A. No, I haven't. I personally don't think it needs a sequel. After PFS is over, I will start posting more chapters of 'Kidnapped for a Fancy Teapot?', which is a story about a girl who gets swept away by a mysterious stranger all for a lamp.

Q. Do you have any advice to all the new writers out there on Wattpad?

A. Persevere. Even if you feel like no one is reading, just keep it up and eventually you'll get there.


Q. If you could rewind time and be the person behind any invention, what would you have liked to invent?

A. I would like to be the person who invented the printing press because that is one of the inventions that helped bring new ideas into the world and spread them out.

Q. Are you a believer in Karma?

A. No, not really. If Karma existed, I don't think some people in my life would be doing as well as they are.

Q. Pizza or Spaghetti?


Q. The Hunger Games or Divergent?

A. I don't know what Divergent is, so The Hunger Games.

Q. Which character from PFS would you love to be a real life human?

A. I wish Kurt was real. I'd date him in an instant if he was. He's just so crazy it makes me happy :)

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