Alpha Mate Alpha Alpha Mate Mate by @ELatimer

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So, this is another one of my interviews! Now, this story is awesome! And yes, it is a spoof of all werweolf books. It is light-hearted and insanely funny! And, what makes this even more amazing is that I made a character for this book's competition, and I won! So, my character, Curtis, that I created is in this book! Here is the blurb:

Sarah is so plain and unattractive that she's never had a boyfriend. With her flowing, raven hair and sparkling green eyes, she has no hope of finding love. But when Curtis, a sexy werewolf with a degree in computer science, comes over to fix her computer and imprints on her, she thinks she's finally found a mate. He takes her back to the pack, but guess what, the rest of the pack imprints on her too! Now what is Sarah to do with 52 sexy Alpha Mates? Also, One Direction and kidnapping...and stuff. (PARODY)


Q. What made you write AMAAMM? And what was your inspiration.

A. Whew! I'm glad we're shortening this to AMAAMM. Inspiration came from several readers who were joking about it with me. I don't think any of them actually expected me to write it!

Q Have you always wanted to write a spoof story? And would you write any more humor stories in the future?

A.  "Bite Me" is a humor story, though it's not really a spoof. I grew up with the traditional werewolf and vampire lore, and I'm more familiar with the ones that will rip your face off, not make out with you, so that's what Bite Me is really about.

Q. As you write cliche based on a werewolf story, have you read any werewolf stories beforehand? If so, what stories did you like?

A.  I grew up with werewolf stories, they just didn't start getting all mushy and romantic until recently. I really like Maggie Stiefvator's Shiver series, though that's more a "shifter" story than werewolf.

Q. What can we expect to happen in AMAAMM?

A.  Many strange and terrible things. To be honest, I have no idea. I'm making this up as I go along.

Q. If you could give any advice to any new author, what would it be?

A. Don't do a werewolf parody story, because people will take it seriously and tell you the plot needs work. Oh, you mean like serious advice? Um, take writing advice like "write what you know" and do the opposite. Write about unicorns and Cthulhu and girls that spontaneously combust and burn their high school down, but don't write what you know. So boring...

Q. Do you ever plan on writing a sequel to any of your book? If you had to, which one would you choose?

A. Weaver will get a sequel eventually, and there will likely be more Jotun books.


Q. Which author would you like to be for a day and why?

A. Neil Gaiman, so I could transplant his brain into a jar and put it into my head after our bodies had switched back. Then I would have all his ideas.

Q. If you could kill any famous fictional character who would it be?

A. I'd step in and kill he-who-shall-not-be-named before Harry and get ALL THE GLORY. Ahaha!

Q. The last movie you cried at?

A. The Lion King kills me EVERY TIME.

Q. What traits do you like to see in a fictional character?

A. I like a girl with some backbone, even if it's a werewolf romance.

Q. If you could wake up tomorrow and could speak any language fluently, which language would it be?

A. Parseltongue

It is official, @ELatimer is officially hilarious!

My next interview will be a surprise, Mwu Haha

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