The Prince

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Once upon a time, in the kingdom of O'kasis, lived a handsome prince named Garroth. All the girls adored him. All the guys respected him. He was kind and strong. Even though he was kind, he hated witches as much as anyone else.
13 Years ago
          "Father look!" Garroth cried. "I'm a guard!" Lord Garte chuckled, seeing Garroth in oversized guard armor.
"Yes son. You look just like a guard. Now take trhat armor off and return it to the armor closet. " demanded Lord Garte.
"Yes Father" sighed Garroth. He struggles to take off the armor. He puts all the armor back in the bag, and starts heading out towards
the armor room. As Garroth heads down the long hallway, he hears an ear piercing scream.
What was that? He thought. He decides to follow to where the scream came from. He tiptoes down the empty hallway. As he passes by his parents room, he peeks in, and tiptoes in.
"Mom? Are you in here?" Asked Garroth. No response. Hmm. I could have sworn mom said that she would be in her room. Lighting flashes through the window. He stops dead in his tracks. There's blood on the walls. Garroth gulps, then creeps around the bed. What he sees, turns him pale.
"M-Mom?" He says, looking down at his mothers body. He suddenly let's out an ear piercing scream.
Garroth was sitting with his brothers- Zane and Vylad.
"A witch definitely did this" one of the nurses said, after examining Queen Zianna's body. "You can tell because after a witch kills or hurts a victim, a symbol is left of the body, saying what type of witch they are. There are many different types of witches. The symbol on Queen Zianna's body, was a symbol of a high level witch.
          "This symbol is a rare one. I wonder why a witch of this high of a level would do something like this." Said the nurse.
"They will pay..." whispered Garroth.
"I'll kill every last witch in this world." Whispered Zane.
As years go by, Prince Garroth's personality returns to normal. His plans don't change much. (We'll return to his planning some time later in the story).
Meanwhile, Lord Garte becomes meaner, as well as Prince Zane. They begin to have dark personalities.
Present Day
Garroth now walks proud and strong, but he will never forget that a witch killed his mother. He vowed to find whoever killed her, and kill it.
He will also never forget the girl with black hair, standing in front of the O'kasis boundary line.

Hai guys!!! I hope you liked the first chapter of my Garmau story!!!! I don't have much to say right now. See ya in the next chapter!!!

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