Part 3

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recap: my Appa told them not to ask so many questions cause they wouldn't really get any answers out of me.

they all understood thinking that i was shy at first but will hopefully open up to them a little later as i got to know them and they got to know a little about me......apparently they didn't know i was a mute but i can understand that by the 1st impression i gave them when D.O-appa was carrying me over, when i buried my face in his neck on the way to the car., so they introduced themselves instead of bombarding me with a lot of questions. 

the first one to speak was a guy that had bright orange hair that i thought suited him very well "so this is the little girl that we will be taking care of from now on?!?!?!?"i'm guessing he was talking to appa' so i just smile and let appa respond cause i cant for obvious reasons " yes Xiumin this is Hyumji...." He started but before he could say anything else I poked his sholder. He just looked at me, so I gave him a look that said 'can I sign them I am a mute then u can say it for me??' He was puzzled at first then understood what I was 'saying' he shook his head yes then turned to the guys and said "Hyumji wanted to say something before you guys ask her anything! Is that OK?" They all replied "SURE"
He looked at me saying it was OK now. I took a deep breath and signed 'hello my name is Hyumji! Can you tell me yours?!!!"
At first they were shocked then just went to plain confused while looking at me with questionable looks after about a minute of staring at each other Appa started laughing uncontrollably and said "she said hello mt name is Hyumji, can you tell me yours.(LOL)!!"

after he translated for me they guys got a look that said ooooooooohhhhhhhh. then they introduced themselves and Appa signed their name for me so that i knew how to sign their name properly. the gut with the orange hair said "annyeongasheyo my name is Xiumin,..the one with the white almost looking as if there is a little blue in it is park Chanyeol but you can call him park-Oppa/Appa whichever and last but not least out of the 4 that came here today  is the one that looks kinda like a panda is Huang Zi Tao but everyone just calls him Tao !!" Xiumin said in a sweet voice i was confused at first because he was being so sweet to me and the only person who has every accepted me and was kind was D.O.,no else because because i couldnt talk back every time someone talked to me.i was pulled out of my memories when i heard D.O. ask if i was ok and y i was crying  all of a sudden, and the other 3 looked a little sad thinking it was something Xiumin said or something they did when he mentioned their names. i hadnt realized i was crying until i brought my hand to my cheek to find tears coming down. i quickly looked back at my Appa and signed 'oh its nothing you did i was just thinking about how you all have been so nice and kind to me no one as ever showed me this kinda kindness they just shut me out because they didnt understand what i was trying to say!!!' after i signed this Appa translated it for them and then their faces went from being sad back to happy! now i was happy too.

i was about an hour till we got to the airport (yes the airport) for the 3 hour flight back to Seoul because the closest orphanage was in Busan,South Korea. as Park-Oppa was driving i was on the left window, Tao was on the other side of me, D.O.-Appa was in the passenger seat, and Xiumin was in the middle. they were talking but occasionally they would ask for my opinion or just ask me a question, D.O. would look at me then i would start signing and he would tell them my answer and/or question.

Xuimin's P.O.V

after the very peculiar car ride to the airport we got out and headed for the place you buy the tickets so we could get one for Hyumji. since the ticket we had was a 2 way ticket we had to get her a 1 way ticket. but what we didnt tell her is that she will get to be riding 1st class with the rest of us. heh heh heh i know but we thought we would all surprise her. well it was 4 and our plane doesnt leave until 8 so we thought we would go to the sushi bar and get some food cause 1. she was skinnier than a twig , and 2. because we were all hungry and had a 4 hour wait along with a 3 hour flight and we wouldnt really get home until 24:00 so eh y not. as we ordered Hyumji kept pointing at some things on the menu that im guessing she didnt know how to pronounce in her head correctly or what ever so i told her what it was then D.O. showed her how to sign in the 4 years have known D.O. i never knew he knew sign language! i think im gonna ask him.

"hey D.O. how did u learn or even know sign language we never did know thats for sure!!" he looked a little shocked by my question at first "my friend was a mute, we arnt friends anymore but he started teaching me so that i could understand him better than just taking random guesses........and that sone of the many many reasons i decided to adopt Hyumji...she sorta reminded me of him when i first shaw her crying by herself behind a corner staring at a family that had came in befor i did and left with someone else because they didnt know that she was a mute and thought she was just  being a disrespectful 6 year old, to me trying to cheer her up after they left with the younger girl., it just reminded me of him a little and when we were kids!"

D.O.'s P.O.V

after i told them that i just kinda looked at Hyumji with a smile thinking of the old friend i used to have and the trouble we would always get into. i was snapped back to reality when i felt someone kick (not really a kick more of a tap with their foot) me in the ankle.. i look up to see Hyumji looking concerned starting to sign 'you seem sad about something, is every ok or just some old memories resurfacing about your old friend??' i smiled at her and signed back 'just some old memories' so that i didnt disturb the others and them start with more questions cause right now i was tired and i could see that Hyumji was about to fall asleep on the table. i start to try and muffle some laughs and apparently it worked because no one seemed to notice.

(time skip brought to you by the EXO song Overdose!!!) 

only Hyumji and i had finished eating the others were almost done, and considering how tired i was it looked like Hyumji was gonna fall out of her chair she was so ready to go to sleep already., it was almost funny to watch but i didnt want her to humiliate herself and make her feel more horrible than she already did because of the whole mute thing so i caught her attention*before she fell asleep in her chair*and told her to come here. after she was standing right next to me i picked her up and set her in my lap so she could at least fall asleep on me then in a chair and end up falling on the floor.after she realized what i was doing she put her head on my shoulder and was out like a light as soon as she shut her eyes., i didnt notice the guys watching me till i heard Tao clear his throat as if saying we are still here you know  i just roll my eyes and look at the time it was 19:45 clearly time to go find our gate but luckily it was only down at the end of the hall. after we paid i picked Hyumji up and placed her on my side thankfully she didnt wake up. but when we have to board the plane im gonna have to wake her up....shit. when we reach the gate Tao asked if he could take her i simply nodded and gave her to him with out waking her up again.*damn this kid knows how to sleep i can give her that!!* but i think i just jinxed it cause as soon as the lady said "now boarding 1st class to Seoul" she jerked her head up, you could still see the sleep in her eyes as she looked at me and signed 'are we in Seoul yet' i chuckled and said "no we are just now boarding the plane to Seoul now so you still have 3 more hours to sleep, ok." she nodded 

timeskip to on the plane now

Tao said "as soon as we get home you are going straight to bed missy cause we have to get up early in the morning since we have schedules and SM wants to meet her along with the other guys........CRAP!!! i almost forgot where is she going to sleep her room isnt ready yet and everyone else will be asleep besides the 4 of us!"  i think about it and ask Hyumji who she wants to sleep with?! she thinks about it for a little bit then signs (or tries to sign) 'either with you or Tao i dont care which ever one has room for me out of the 2 of you.' "hey Tao!" "yeeessss" "she said either with me or you which ever one has room for her until her room is done at least." "well my room has an extra bed the guys put in there befor i moved in idk y it is in there but i just left it in the corner across from the door" "wait i thought that was ur bed!" "nope ., my bed is next to the opposite wall to the left of the spare., you cant see it from the door frame the wall covers it." "oh well that explains a i guess she is staying with u tonight." "i guess *looks down at Hyumji to find her asleep again well at least we are already on the plane when she fell back asleep*.....looks like she is out like a lite again...*looks at everyone else* so are the other guys!""i guess they were tired to""ya well im gonna crash im pretty tired my self"I said"ok i guess i better too that way im not falling asleep at the wheel since its my car at the airport,and i dont really trust other people driving it." "fine with me"

time skip to end of plane ride 


so what did you guys thinks do you like it so far 

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avannah out

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