part 8

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A/N I drew this on my friend and I felt so proud of myself .......OK on with the story!!!!

Still Luhans P.O.V

After I parked and crossed the street with Hyumji. As soon as she saw DO she ran over to him and he picked her up and placed her on his hip. 'Wow she is really attached to DO after only knowing him for a day!, I guess he just has that kind of affect on her or people like her.' I thought to myself... Apparently out loud but thankfully only Kai heard! "Ya I guess your right she is really shy to everyone else except Xiumin, Tao and DO but really opens up to DO the most.....I guess she has a troubled past but DO just kinda gives her some closure towards her past in the orphanage." I was shocked at what he just said and the fact that he heard me "how did u hear me and how do you know all that about her?!?!?" "Well for 1 you said it kinda out loud and the fact that if you look up close like this morning when she woke up Xiumin, she walked over to me and bowed., but when she bowed I caught a glimpse of what looked like scars and bruises on her arms and legs but what really got me was the fact that she was kinda shaking like she didn't know weather to Trust me or be afraid of me!" OK now I want to know what really happened to this poor girl all of those 6 years of her old life............what exactly happened!!??

After I explained myself to Luhan he looked a little more than a little "don't worry I want to know to" he looked shocked at me then asked '"did I say that out loud again???" "No I just saw you clench your fists and you looked a little angry and I could pretty much read your mind!"

(Time skip 🔱⛎♓♒♑♐♈♉♊♋♌♍♎♏ brought to you by HOMESTUCK!!!! I will miss you home stuck!!)

Still Kai's P.O.V

We were standing in front of soo-mans (hopefully I spelt it right)
Office waiting for him to get out of a meeting with some other company..........I think its Bit Hit ENT.? I look to see Hyumji trying to hide behind Tao and DO,. "Don't be nervous OK he is a very nice man, all we are gonna do is introduced you to him......he is very eager to meet you!😊" I see her stop shaking a little bit but starts to sign something.......thank goodness DO was watching so he translated it for me. "She said but what if he doesn't accept the fact that I'm a mute and what if he doesn't like me." Both me and DO look at her and say "" he is gonna love you how could he not!!!"" We look at each other and start to laugh and so did Hyumji. After we calmed down a bit we saw Mr YG (again don't really know his name)
Exit followed by Mr soo-man. 'huh so it was YG not Big Hit!' I thought "OK guys come on in so I can meet your newest member!" I look at Hyumji and mouth 'ready?!' She just shakes her head yes but I can see she is still nervous.☺😅😅😅 (the last 3 emojis are what Hyumji look like at that moment)
We walk in and hyumji walks up to him and bows D.O walks up next to her. (I'm just gonna call him SM..ok) Mr.SM starts to ask her some questions "hello my name is soo-man (??) But u can call me Mr.SM for short what is ur name?! She stayed silent then looks at D.O hopeing he can explain it for her " Mr.soo-man her name is hyumji she can't really talk to you..."" Why not?" " she was born a mute....she can hear you but she can't talk to you really." " what do you mean by really?" "She signs...but she can't sign everything properly yet." " ohhh....really?! Since birth!! " she shakes her head yes then I speak up " sir if it isn't to much trouble can the rest of us check in with manager-nim and explain everything to him cause 'someone' forgot to tell him that we were adopting someone!" I said someone while looking at lay who was turning pale again. " kai it is no trouble at all but don't keep blaming lay for it I am sure he is really sorry!....and if ur manger has a problem let me know and I will talk to him about the mean time I would like to know more about......'hyunji'?? right?" He responded I left the room but I heard D.O respond with " haha close sir but its HyuMji not HyuNji!"...............................................................thats the last thing i heard befor the door completely shut and i walked to our dance stuio only to see a very upset manager......ooh great herewe go again
Well another update completed
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