part 11

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Recap. I took a deep breath then looked at Hyunji and said.


"Do u remember what you told me at the photoshoot?"
She looked down and slowly shook her head. " do u mind telling us what u meant?" "Wait Luhan hyung what did she say?" Kai said confused "while exo-k was doing their photoshoot Hyunji was acting strange I thought cause every time some one walked to her or even near her she would run away to a corner. So I got curious and asked her what was wrong ...but I can't under stand sign language so I gave her a piece or paper and pen, and she wrote...'these people look like the bad guys from the orphanage.' So I decided that I would bring you 4 in here and ask her about it since you 4 are the only people she is really close to!." All they could do was 😰😰😰😰oooooohhhh. Kai Turned to her and asked "so what did u mean by that?". She started to sign a lot of things while her and D.O were looking at each other as she kept signing he started to get really angry😠😠😠😬😬😬😬😡😡😡😤😤. After she stopped signing she started to cry..wwweeeelll the 4 of us that don't know sign language started to freak out while D.O was the only one trying to calm her down since he was the only one who knew sign language in that room. After she calmed down she signed what I'm guessing was 'you can tell them' cause after that he said " are you sure you want them to know.. You are allowed to keep certain things to yourself... And this is one thing you defiantly can keep to yourself!?" She just shook her head yes and fell asleep while he was holding her my opinion he looked like her real father...I mean he is her father know what nevermind! He just took a deep breath and said "the only reason I am telling you 4 is because she trusts you4 and I don't want her carrying this all by herself like she has the past 6 years..some time the owner of the place would allow men to come over and play with the kids...but since everyone had their own room no one ever knew what they really did cause the men were allowed to stay the night so the kids wouldn't feel lonley..😞 but sometimes the men who stayed with Hyunji wouldnt always want to 'sleep' instead they would rather 'play' with her but since the care taker said she 'knew' the men she never got to tell anybody about it or at least some one that would believe for 6years she had to go through that alone with no one to care" 😢😢😢 by the end of the explanation D.O was crying a little. "I can't believe this" I looked up to see Tao about to explode😬😬 alon with kai and Xiumin. "Ur telling me she was fucking raped over and over again over a time period of 6 FUCKING YEARS!!! xiumin yelled " AND NOBODY BOTHERED TO BELIEVE HER JUST BECAUSE THEY THOUGHT SHE WAS MAKING IT UP!!"oh look now kai joined in on the I decided to step in " would you 3 knuckle heads calm down before you wake her up..and if you do I'm gonna pummel you 8feet under! And it looks like d.o wasn't done explaining everything" 😤😤😤(kai, xiumin, and tao's face) "d.o continue please." He took a breath "the scars are from failed subside attempts....I'm thinking you can guess what the old bruies are from...that's everything...I'm gonna take her to her and taos room so she can sleep and you all can talk about this cause I don't want to hear about it anymore. With that he picked her up and left the room.

A\N woooooow 2 chapter in less than 2 hours...anyways if this chapter was making you uncomfortable I'm sorry but I couldnt think of a plot that was any good and grab the readers attention. If you have any ideas or suggestions just comment them to me!!
✌avannah out✌

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