Day 3 In The Palace

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As we walked around the palace both Gorgon and Gabe were spying on us, after a couple minutes of them fallowing us we turned around and laughed. "How did you two know that we were behind you, we didn't talk or make a noise so how?" Both me and Isabell pointed to our ears and and laughed a little more more which made the princes red in the face. "Why were you two fallowing us in the first place I thought princes where above miss behaviour." All of a sudden a burning sensation was on my sides where Gorgon placed his hands to pull me closer to him.

I blushed intensely at our close body's and where his hands were made my soul feel as if it would catch on fire. I guess he noticed because he pulled me closer and whispered in my ear that when I blush it makes it harder for him to resist. All he managed to was make me blush even more than before and it was super embarrassing, but the words he said lingered in my heart. "Your Miss Isabell, the woman that has joined Miss Scarlett for the royal ball maybe I could invite you to tea in the garden this afternoon? Isabell agreed and joined Gabe to tea leaving me and Gorgon alone.

He laughed to him self and slowly began to dance with me in his arms I gave up resisting and danced around with him in the hall. "Do you remember the night I danced with only you, it caused so many rumors that I would make you mine." He blushed as he remembered that night and all the rumors and it made me smile making him blush more. His eyes glimmered like he wanted to say something but he couldn't bring himself to say what he wanted to. "If I... never mind Scarlett... its almost dinner time shall we go to the dining hall and eat dinner?"

I nodded and Gorgon showed me to the dining hall where a elegant dinner was spread out, we sat and Gabe and Isabell soon joined us. We ate our dinner and said goodnight to the guys me and Isabell went back to my room to talk about the princes. "Prince Gabe is amazing and very smart I really like his opinion on the war we keep fighting, and he is very handsome." I couldn't hold back my laughter because she had fallen in love with Gabe over tea I was so happy for her. "For such a lady I thought it would take several dates before he won your heart but I guess I was mistaken. But you chose the right family for I have found myself attracted to Gorgon but he wouldn't care for me that way even if we were the last people on earth."

She said his opinion of me was much greater then I realised and that I should go see him again tonight dance with him once more. She kept saying that I should whoo him once more like I did before but I couldn't for I didn't know how or if it would work. There was a knock on my door at such a late hour Isabell couldn't help but laugh when I answered the door to find Gorgon there. "Scarlett I'm sorry for stopping by at such a late hour but I... will you join me tomorrow morning to go to town." I agreed to meet him tomorrow morning at the palace doors so we could go to town.

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