Day 5 In The Palace

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When all of a sudden a pretty girl came running up to Gorgon, she pulled his body away from mine an kissed his lips sending a pain through my chest. "Baby why haven't you called or text me back it better have not been because you where hanging out with that peasant girl!" Before Gorgon could get a word in I simply smiled in Alexanders direction, "you don't have to worry about me taking his heart im here with Alexander." I grabbed Alexanders hand an ran into the library that was just down the street leaving Gorgon an the woman with gabe an Isabell behind. "Dasiy baby shes a friend nothing more I promise.", he held her in his arms an walked away from the town.

"AH Scarlett are you okay you seem very upset.." I pushed alexander away from me an hid in the stacks of the library. I found a piece of paper an a quill to write with an I wrote seven things I hated about gorgon down on the paper but knowing I'd feel guilty of being rude before I leave town. I also wrote the seven things I loved the most about him I choked back tears an asked the librarian if she had an envelope I sealed it up an walked back to the palace. I avoided every way possible of seeing Gorgon I quickly packed an gave the butler the letter for Gorgon an left the palace as fast as I could. I reached a town several miles away from the palace I got a hotel an buried my face in the pillows trying not to cry for whats the point.

I had a chance with him an I let it go by I just need to get over it, but I bet him and that tramp are having fun. "Gorgon you asshole Scarlett was having fun then you go an fuck with her emotions because of an ex lover that cheated on you." Gabe punched Gorgon as he yelled an isabell stopped gabe by kissing Gorgon, Gabe walked of the room hitting an punching chairs an vases accidentally knocking the satchel Scarlett put the necklace he gave her over. "Where the hell did he get this.. Scarlett is supposed to have it not him" Gabe picked it up an ran to Scarlett's room. "Sire she left earlier this after noon she had given me instructions to give this letter to your brother along with this one."

Gabe read the goodbye letter then handed Gorgon the seven things letter both princes argued for about an hour or so before the maid spoke up. "How about both of you snooty princes get off your royal asses an go bring her back if you truly love her sitting around an fighting wont get either of you two closer to her heart! Gorgon your a lying cheating son of a royal bitch an you will have a hell of a lot more to explain to Scarlett an as for you Gabe your a idiot if you thought for one second that she forgot about the day you two broke the rules." Both men stood up an ran out the door to get to their horses first but both men got stuck in the doorway an the maid laughed. "At this rate shes better off with Prince Alexander with you two acting like dumb fucks."

Both men where off to find me as I slept in the hotel bed tossing an turning I couldn't sleep so I went out for a moonlit walk. It started to rain an all the forest creatures came out an greeted me as I danced in the rain soon birds sang a melody an I moved to the sound of their sweet song. As the night grew darker I got sleepier so I sat next to a tree an slowly dosed off the forest animals came an kept me warm. The next morning I woke with villagers all around me pointing at the animals an looking confused I stretched out an my wolf ears wiggled. "Good morning towns people im sorry if my animal friends have disturbed you in anyway but their super friendly I promise."

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