Can This Get Better?

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3 years had past since Yongguk was born and those years past rather quickly. He did have a older twin brother to play with through that time but Yongnam left him. Yongguk's time with his mother had ended as he was old enough to fend for himself and now he had to leave the den as well. He would have stayed by his brother's side but it was too late, Yongnam left three days before him.



The forest looks all the same wherever I walk and I've been wondering around for days on end ever since I left the den. It had to be around autumn when I left, around the coldest times to leave home before every bear and warm blooded animal goes into hibernation. At least I was taught how to fend for myself in this place. Also it helps that I was born half-bear and half-human, not just human. My kind are so rare to find and that's because we like to stay hidden away from predators. We are called animal changelings and it's not just my bear type but there are other types too. Boars, deer, moose, oxen even more are possible animal changeling types. I don't think too hard about it though, since I've never seen any apart from my own family.

The forest is beginning to bore me after walking around aimlessly, finding streams with fish and catching whatever I can before moving on. My grizzly bear form is keeping me warm as the cold days go by. I only have two more days until hibernation and I haven't found a den yet or a partner but it's too late for that now.

I want to leave this place and have been thinking about it for a while now. The more hours past, the more I start to think about humans and how they live. "What is it like to live in the city?"

I would like to see it, I've heard so many stories from my mother. There is a city a day's walk from where I am now. "Should I go or maybe it's best to stay away from them?"


Yongguk was nearing the days of winter and he only had a short amount of time before he had to find a place to sleep until spring. He was always tough and grew to think for himself as it was necessary. Every decision was important to him and he would always think it through before deciding. This also had a negative effect on him, he became too dependent on himself and never asked for help, as if he couldn't possibly do that because he'd be troubling others.



I'm going to walk to this city. The forest isn't interesting and I want to try living as a human for once. I might find a mate in this place as well.

So I continued to walk forward towards this human domain and came across a few predators along the way.

Three wolves looked starving, they surrounded me from either side and in front. I stood my ground and warned them to leave but they kept close. Circling me with drool dropping from their mouths. One suddenly jumped up at me and I stood up, then swung around with it on my back while another jumped on me and bit my shoulder. I roared, turned my back towards a tree and rammed them both into it. They yelped, with the third growling at what I did, it ran and bit into my leg, shaking it. I called out in pain and dropped down my arms on top of the wolf's back. It managed to escape from underneath me and they all ran away to find something better. I needed to keep moving incase they came back or before even worse carnivores caught my scent.

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